Chapter 22:

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After my father helped me dress he went downstairs to check up on the guest. I looked myself on the mirror and smiled. I must say am looking dashing. My palms were sweating and i looked at the rings and closed them. Just as I was to leave the room my mom walked in. She has tears in her eyes.
Mom: oh you look beautiful baby. She walked in and kissed my check
Me: Thank you, am just so nervous, what if she doesn't show up
Mom: Do you strongly believe she will stand you up?
Me: maybe it too soon mom
Mom: Why are you marrying her?
Me: Its the only way I can protect her
Mom: from? Cause your dad will deal with Dingaane
Me: I can't say from what but its the only way that I can save her from what next
Mom: baby you know we don't keep secrets
Me: I know but trust me this is the only way mom and plus I love her
Mom: How do you know you do? You only been together for a few days.
Me:remember when you told me that some people can enter your life and be your life and you just know it?
Mom: yeah
Me: This is me experiencing that. She smiled with tears rolling down her beautiful face.
Mom: Am happy to see you like this, after Thuliswa i though ill lose you forever but now.... i hugged her and kissed her on top of her forehead.

I looked at my reflection on the mirror and I felt myself holding in my tears since I didn't want to cry. I looked beyond beautiful. My mom was like a tap with a smile on her face.
Mom: you look beautiful lala. She hugged me as i tried my best not to cry like a baby. Indeed i was beautiful in my mermaid dress. It was white and had old lace. My veil was beyond exquisite with pearls. My shoes was silver and i had silver stud earrings. My make up was to die for. I hugged her and she looked at me smiling
Mom: this is what iv been praying about. My prayers are finally answered.
Me: thank you mama for always placing me in your prayers and always having my back.
Mom: Remember no matter what he did or does for you, if he lays his hands on you or if he changes please child dont be stupid like me and think he will go back to the man you know and love. Leave. Always know ill always welcome you to my arms. Even if we have to go nights without food. Always know ill always be there for you no matter how tough life will be or how Good God bless us. I smiled and hugged her. After a while some guy walks in and he smiled at me.
Him: They ready for you.
Mom: now chin up and let me give away this beautiful bride. We both walked out of the cabin with the guy in front of us leading the way to the back of the garden. Just as we turned the corner we saw the beautiful setting with fairy lights. Its looked like something out of the fairytale with the sun almost setting and my lovely guest sitting in gold chairs. Right at the back was a glass paino and it was playing Natalie Taylor- I surrender as I walked down a path of red roses. I felt tears roll down my face as I walked and i looked ahead as I saw Thulane standing tall at the alter. He looked perfect in every way in his black suit. He smiled as he saw me. My mum held my hand as I took a deep breath and we walked closer to him. When we were halfway there he came and he touched my mother feet and than hugged her getting her blessings and my mom kissed his cheeks and he laughed being all shy. He than looked at me and held my hand and walked back to the pastor.
Pastor: Oh dear beloved people. We are here to witness love at it purest form. Thulane and Yanela. I have no words and I have no idea how this journey started but moving forward you are now one. He is you and you are him. Ill like to read a verse:
"1 Corinthians 13:4 till 8
Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It does not dishonour others, it is not self- seeking, it is not easily angered.
It keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoice with the truth.
It always protects, always trust, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails" I want you to keep this verse close to your heart. I want you to memorise this verse and remember it throughout your life together. I want this verse to be the armour of your marriage. I want you to keep this verse close to you as the trails and tribulations of life hit you hard but you hold on to it and remember Verse 19:6 Matthew
" so they are no longer two, but one therefore what God has joined together let no man separate" That what we are here for to join you as one. Ill give you two a moment to share to one another what in your heart"
Thulane: Yanela. I know you must be standing here with so many questions and uncertainties but I want you to know that I love you. I love how you have been through so much yet still have hope for a better future. I love how your mother means the world to you but mostly I love how you make me feel. I always hear how people say that love is a blessing and I never really understood it more so iv made peace with the fact that I wouldn't experience it but here I am.
" I hold you in my heart, for we have shared together God's blessing. Philippians1:7" its suddenly makes sense to me cause your love, your essence and your actual being is my blessing from God. I promise to always be right here besides you till death do us apart. I saw tears in his eyes as mine rolled down. At this point I knew my make up was a mess.
Pastor: beautiful words. I couldn't have said it ay better. Young love is the most beautiful thing that a person can ever go through and to have a partner that share the same sentiments is beyond a blessing. Young lady you are indeed blessed. I smiled through my tears.
Me: oh where do I even begin. You have managed to make me feel human in less than 72 hours of being in your life. You have given me more than i could have asked for or ever received in my life. You have became such a constant that saying yes was the easiest thing ever. I wanna grow old with you and to have an opportunity to show you as much love as you have shown me. Ill always respect you and follow you as you lead me in this thing called life. I know in you iv found a partner, provider and protector but mostly iv found unconditional love. I love you Khuzwayo
Pastor: these kids are making me cry. He acted like wiping his eyes and the audience laughed.
Pastor: let me not stand in your way and let bless your rings. We bowed as he blessed the rings and he took us through the process of slipping them on.
Pastor: by the power invested in me in-front of these beautiful guest, i know pronouns you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. Thulane came closer with the most beautiful smile iv ever seen and I noticed he had dimples as he kissed me. His lips were soft and tasted like vanilla. He nibbled on my lower lip and I giggled as someone shouted" get a room" they was laughter.
Pastor: Ladies and gentlemen. Mr and Mrs Khuzwayo. The clapped as they threw rice at us for goodluck. As we walked and made our way to the barn.....

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