Chapter 21 | Just keep swimming.

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"You look absolutely gorgeous today."

I blush. "Thanks," I squeak out, closing my locker.

Before I can scurry away, he's in front of me with my bag now on my shoulder. Looking everywhere else but at him taking note of how many students roamed the halls to distract myself.



"I want to kiss you." Immediately, I start shaking my head no. "Well then." He plants an intentional and somehow passion filled kiss to my cheek then grins triumphantly when he pulls back. "Compromise." With that he grabs my wrist, dragging me to biology.

I can't think clearly. My thoughts wrestle but the victor is always thoughts of Hunter.

He smiles at me from his seat beside me on the many occasions he's caught me just staring at his profile.

Mr. Tucker happily revises certain topics the students requested, today's topic being: The Kidney.

Hunter and I don't take notes and it is my undoing as he continuously sends me smiles at every opportunity that he could.

This continues on for the rest of the day, including but not limited to break and lunch time. It crossed my mind to avoid him yet it was next to impossible to complete that task, especially on a Monday when we are together all day in every class.

"What's with the mood today, Hunt?" I ask, doodling at the edges of my physics notebook.

"Can't I just be happy?"

"You can. It's just excessive. Project it elsewhere." Chuckling at my response, jotting down something Mr. Gibbons had said. "On a Monday no less." I add as the shrill sound of the siren fills the room much to my happiness.

As we walk out of the classroom, Hunter wraps his arm around my waist as he'd been doing each period. We head for my locker where I swap a few books then to the cafeteria. My stomach grumbles in hunger, which causes Hunter to laugh playfully and say, "Double serving of chips and a sprite?" I nod immediately, mouth watering at the thought.

I'm searching my bag for my wallet when Hunter hands me a sprite and a coke whilst his hands have my chips and his burgar. Add it to my tab of things Hunter has paid for.

I haven't told Eames about the events that took place on Saturday, prior to us going to London. I'm afraid he'll tell me to kill the relationship -or whatever this is- before it's started. I can't handle that. I trust the girls enough to know they won't say anything to anyone but as soon as I lay eyes on him, I know I won't be able to keep this 'secret' long from him. It's so much easier to keep a secret when the person it's held from is not in the same room as you, flooring you with a friendly smile that could buckle knees and currently, it was. Dré is hooked.

"You look nice, Archer," is my greeting from Mason. Brie, Dré and Eames nod in agreement.

Looking down at myself and whispering, "Thanks." I take a seat with Hunter in tow. Asking Mason, Brie, Dré and Eames about their classes, I shove 3 fries into my mouth.

Brie animatedly explains something in their literature class which I vaguely hear as I focus on stuffing my face.

"Can I have a few fries?" Hunter asks whispering into my ear as Mason shoves Dré playfully at her comment about him being a retard.

"Sure," I reply, picking up my sprite, taking a couple sips. His infectious happiness has penetrated me.

"Did you just eat Archers fries?" Mason asks, shock clearly written across his face. I couldn't help it. He's made me weak.

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