Feeling The Pain Feeling The Pleasure

Start from the beginning

"Oh you didn't think this night was over, did you? Tsk Tsk Tsk" A big smile breaks out over my face as he speaks. This boy never fails to keep me on my toes.

After another 10 minutes of driving and stealing sneaky glances of one another, we pull into his driveway and Louis is at the passenger side within seconds. He opens the door and takes ahold of my hand, leading me to the front door. 

"Wait!" He bends over and sweeps me off of my feet, making me shriek as he carries me bridal style.

"Louis, you're only supposed to carry someone into a threshold when you get married," I snicker.

"Well, shit." he sets me down and closes the door behind him, grabbing me by my waist and pushing me up against it. His lips travel across my jaw and down my exposed neck, sloppy open-mouthed kisses running all over my skin. My mouth falls open as short gasps fall from my lips.

"Ahem," Someone says from behind Louis. He stops abruptly and I nearly whimper from the lost contact. I need more. So much fucking more.

"Did you two have fun?" Jay questions, settling down onto the loveseat with a steaming mug, her bathrobe wrapped tightly around her.

"Yeah, Harry busted his ass on the ice" Louis laughs loudly at the memory and I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"Shut up! I wouldn't have fallen if you wouldn't have left me" I defend, swatting at his chest.

"Well you didn't need my help, you said so yourself" We were so caught up in our playful banter, we didn't notice Jay watching the exchange with a fond smile spread across her face. 

"We're gonna go upstairs, goodnight mum" Louis gives her a quick kiss to the forehead and returns to me, interlocking our fingers. 

"Goodnight Jay" I call out as Louis leads me up the stairs. "Goodnight love," She replies as she turns on the television. 

We come to an abrupt stop in front of his room. He turns around and looks at me for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck and looking between me and the door. "Lou? What's wrong?"

"I've just never really done something like this before, okay? I saw some shit on this fucking website and then Lottie and Fizzy were giving me ideas and I don't know." He looks genuinely worried that I won't like whatever is on the other side of this door, and I just want to hold him.

"Louis, this date has already been the most perfect night I could've imagined. You don't need to be worried, okay?" I squeeze his hand reassuringly and rub my thumb over his knuckles. He hesitates for a moment before nodding and taking a deep breath. I find it endearing that he's so worried about my thoughts and reactions, but I just wish he could be more sure of himself when it comes to things like this. 

He turns the knob and slowly opens the door, and I nearly burst into tears with what I see.

Yellow fairy lights are strung across his room and behind his tv, illuminating the room in dim and intimate lighting. Blankets and pillows are laid out on the floor, creating a small make-shift bed for us to lay on. An array of movies are stacked on his television stand, making it obvious that he wants a movie night. 

I turn around to see Louis leaning against the doorframe and looking at me expectantly, his hands behind his back. He looks around the room and shakes his head, clearly feeling discouraged. "It's stupid, isn't it? I told the girls that the fucking lights were too much, but they insisted. I'm sorry, I'll put all this shit awa-"

I rush over to him and practically leap into his arms, cupping his face and bringing him into a passionate kiss. "It's perfect. So fucking perfect," I whisper after breaking the kiss, keeping my eyes shut and my forehead pressed to his as I try to process it all. "You did all of this?" He nods slowly and presses another soft kiss to my lips. "You like it? It's not too much?" 

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