I Am In Misery (pt.3)

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"Oh we're good friends!" Tweedle Dee struggled out to say as Bigby was choking him with his arm. Dee was all messed up, his nose oozing out blood, a few teeth missing, a burn on his hand, little shattered glass in the side of his face and black eyes. Bigby wasn't playing any games, Snow's death hit him so hard, he didn't care what he had to do to find her killer. If it meant beating a suspect to a pulp, then so be it! He wanted to avenge Snow and tear her killer to fucking pieces. "That's enough!" Crane yelled. "I will not tolerate this savagery!" Bigby applied more force to Dee's neck, feeling more anger building up (ok so I'm totally gonna kill the mood and mention something that has nothing to do with anything: without me by Eminem played on the radio today THAT SONG IS LIKE 10 FUCKING YEARS OLD). "You think someone was trying to kill Snow? Isn't it more likely that someone was trying to get back at you by killing her?!" OH THIS FUCKER IS REALLY ASKING FOR IT, he thought, becoming overwhelmed with anger. "It's your behavior and inability to control your nature that caused this mess! If it wasn't for you....Snow might still be alive.." he said. OH THAT DID IT, THAT DID IT, Bigby thought. Bigby pulled Dee out of his grip, immediately turning around, grabbing Crane's collar. "FUCK YOU!" the wolf yelled, holding his fist up. He was about to punch him in the face until he heard the door open. Bigby's eyes went big seeing the very figure that he was just mourning over. "What's going on here?!" Snow said. The sheriff put his fist down and let go of Crane's collar. He stared at her in disbelief, trying to find his voice. "Snow..." was all he could say.


I couldn't believe it! Snow is alive! I was confused at that point. If that head I found on the doorstep wasn't Snow's...then who's was it. I couldn't even think straight right now. Half of me was shocked and surprised while the other half of me was jumping for joy. She sighed, putting a hand to her forehead. "Bigby, come with me," she said, turning around, walking away. I followed after her, still eyes wide. It was quiet as we made our way to the front of the Woodlands. As usual, Grimble was sleeping on the job. The silence ended once she said, "What the hell was going on down there, Bigby?" A sad puppy face lay on my face as she continued talking. "Abusing a prisoner like that...I thought you could control yourself," she said. "I...thought you were dead...Snow," I said, looking at her with a sad look. "And that makes it okay?" she snapped. (snow why ya gotta be so ruuuude don't you know he loves you ooooo) I hung my head. "I hope it was worth you time," she sighed, walking to the elevator. I put my hand up, about to say something until I decided against it. I walked next to her and said, "Okay, you're gonna have to explain this to me 'cause I'm really not gettin' it yet," I said. "After our talk in the taxi last night, I got a call from Toad. He said his son found a body. We thought it was Faith at the time. Getting her back here wasn't easy," Snow explained. "I should've been there, Snow," I said, hanging my head with my arms crossed. We walked in as she said, "Well, I couldn't find you or...anyone...so I took care of it." We stood in silence as the elevator went up (on a tuesdayyeee). I took a quick glance at her and said, "Snow...?" "Yes?" "I'm glad you're uh...not dead," I said, being brutally honest. "Me too," she smiled. The elevator doors opened as she walked out. "I just feel like..." "What is it?" "I just..." She looked at me saying, "I just feel responsible in a way. She looked just like me...and maybe that's why she was killed." "If someone wants you dead, at some point they'll realize they've missed their target," I said intelligently. "And then they'll come looking for me," she said, saddened. "We just have to find out what's going on, and why she was glamoured to look like me." I raised my eyebrow at that."I mean.. that's what it is, right?" I rubbed my beard as she continued. "So...what's our next move?" "We just keep doing what we've been doing. We do our jobs," I said. "And I'm supposed to do what? Sit around the Business Office, twiddling my thumbs? Waiting for the Big Bad Wolf to solve all my problems?" she said, getting upset (yeah no shit OH SHUT THE FUCK UP.). "Snow..." I sighed. "What?! I told you I'm tired of sitting around! I'm not going to be an errand girl for Crane anymore!" she yelled. "I just want you to be careful! I almost lost you once and-" (oh this should be good cmon say it snow. break bigby's heart. -billy ray cyrus voice- his achy breaky heart) "I'M NOT YOURS TO LOSE!" My mouth was open when I was about to say something and I quickly closed it, looking away in heartbreak. She could say any other bad things to me but that one was the fucking home run. I felt like I literally got shot in the chest with a dozen silver bullets. She looked at the doorknob and said, "I'm sorry." I looked back at her, still heartbroken. "I know it's dangerous but I'm not helpless. I can take care of myself......I've been doing it for centuries." I stared into her glossy blue eyes, totally not noticing myself grabbing her face with both hands and pulling her into a kiss (can we just talk about how much bigby wins at life just by holding her face with BOTH hands while kissing her? Am I right, ladies?). I pulled away with my hands still cupping her cheeks as I kept staring into her surprised eyes. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me back into the kiss. We kissed each other passionately as I put my hands on her waist, pushing her up against the wall. I really didn't care at the time who walking by would see. I was just lost in the powerful, loving kiss. She opened her mouth a little, just enough for me to deepen the kiss (i use that term so often). I deepened the kiss, pressing my body against hers. I moved my lips to the crook of her neck, kissing and biting. She moaned in pleasure but soon pulled my head off her neck. "Um...TJ and Toad are waiting for us," she reminded. I stared at her with a dumb look on my face before I caught on. "Oh oh oh...yeah. *ahem* we should probably uh..see what TJ wants to tell us," I said, awkwardly. I noticed my hands still on her waist and I took them off, scratching the back of my head (this is just one of those times where bigby probably wished he didn't have a murder to solve just so he coulda got to know snow better if you know what I mean). I opened the door, letting her walk in before me, closing the door after me. I licked my lips, trying to get every single trace of Snow's lips. Dammit, I thought.

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