From The Beginning

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The great wolf roamed the forest, growling and looking for his next meal. It was a dark, gloomy night, but he was used to that. Used to the moon shining its light through the darkness. Used to killing and eating his prey. Used to being the Big Bad Wolf. These were a few of the many things the former Big Bad Wolf was accustomed to. But that was all about to change (oooo). He realized it was no use and just put the task off until the next day. It was late and he just decided to call it a night and rest. He found a good, warm spot in his cave to sleep for the night and he curled into a ball. The wolf was about to fall asleep until he noticed something. He sniffed the air, noticing a different smell in it. A very...familiar smell, but he just didn't know what it was. It was on the tip of his tongue but he didn't recognize it fully. He slowly got out of his cave and went out of it, looking around. His eyes went big. The wolf saw a very beautiful woman with skin as white as snow, hair as black as ebony and lips as red as blood (fresh out the story ayyyy lol). Her hair swayed over her shoulders due to the rapid but soft wind. She walked to the wolf slowly and carefully. He noticed she had something sticking out of her pocket. He could smell from her musk that she was frightened and determined. "Uh...Gaffer Wolf?" she asked. He tilted his head at her (LOOL JUST LIKE A DOGGYYY). "My n-name is Snow Wh-White. Do you remember me?" Snow stammered. The great beast nodded his head. "Yes, I remember you. I saved you and your sister from the Adversary two centuries ago," he said in his wolfy voice. "Oh um...good," she said, still scared. "You do not have to be frightened, Miss White. I am not going to do you any harm," he assured. Snow nodded and said, "Well, Feathertop and I tracked you down t-to make an offer to you..." The wolf lowered his head to the ground, staring at her and listening closely (omg such a cute doggyyy). "We will let you join two of our new Fabletown communities in the New World, but unfortunately, you will not be welcome in the wilderness community (probably the farm) and the other will require you to pass as a human." "Where's the other one?" he asked. "It is based in New Amsterdam," Snow replied. It was silent for a moment while the wolf weighed out the choices. He loved being a wolf. He loved running around in the open space, capturing and feeding on prey, the wild outdoors and just being the Big Bad Wolf. But something about Snow White just stuck out to him. Yep, you guessed it (HOOO!!! YOU WAS RIGHHTTT), her scent. It was a scent he's never smelt like no other before. An intoxicating one. A beautiful one. A lovely one. I guess you could say that the vicious Big Bad Wolf was in love with the innocent Snow White. He wanted to be in the wild, but he wanted to be with Snow. He couldn't even go to other community because he wasn't allowed there. So it was either here or there. The wolf made his decision and said, "Alright. I'm in." The princess pulled the knife out of her pocket and said, "I've purchased this certain's called a lycanthropy knife. It has an enchantment that lets men walk as wolves or vise versa." He took a whiff of her lovely smell and said, "...okay." She put out of delicate hand. "Give me your paw," she instructed. He picked his head from the dirty floor and slowly put his paw in Snow's hand. She looked in his yellow eyes as he looked into her sea blue eyes. "Ready?" she asked. He nodded back. She stabbed his paw with the knife and watched the transformation take place. The wolf felt his muscles tense up as his fur slowly slid it's way into his skin (I know it sounds gross lol idk how to explain it). He felt himself getting smaller in size. His body structure began changing as he collapsed on the ground. Snow looked down at the paw in her hand forming itself into a human hand. His snout got smaller and his ears changed. He raised his snout to the sky and howled very loud. His body finished the process of turning into a man as his howl gradually turned into a hoarse, rough yell. Snow released his hand and covered her eyes at the naked man before her (LOOOOOOL). He had brown eyes, brown hair that went a little over his eyes, muscles and hair all over (all. over.). She tossed him clothes and said, "Put them on." He looked at the clothes clueless and looked up at her, raising an eyebrow. He sniffed the clothes, confused. Fast-forward, the now-man eventually got the clothes on and looked down at himself, furrowing his eyebrows. "You look...pleasant," Snow said, trying to be nice. He stretched out his arms and legs, feeling weird. The clothes on him seemed kinda...uh...constricting (-turns to camera dramatically- Wolf In Sheep's Clothing). The man tried to stand on his two legs but collapsed to the ground. Snow put out her hand and said, "Take my hand. I will help you." He took her hand as she slowly helped him on his feet. "Thank you, Miss White," he said. "You're welcome, Sheriff."

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