Confrontation & Embarrassment

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It just an ordinary day in Fabletown. I woke up and did my usual morning ritual. You know, take a swig of whiskey, smoke a cigarette, tell Colin to get the fuck out of my apartment, that sort of thing. I headed up to the Business Office to do my usual paperwork, sheriff business, deal with assholes etc. It's not really all that entertaining but the only thing I was looking forward to is seeing Snow. I know it sounds sappy as shit but hell, could you blame me? I walked in and saw Crane once again yelling at Snow. Fucking hate this guy, I thought. "Where the hell were you, Miss Snow? You're supposed to be doing your work but you decide to take the day off?!" Ichashit yelled. "Sir, I've been going above and beyond on my work for the past few weeks and I just thought I needed a break!" she protested. I stood in front of them watching them fight with a scowl on my face. "Oh, excuse me, Miss White, but we have a town to run! You can't just take a day off!" Crane yelled. I crossed my arms as I said, "Crane, you're such a hypocrite. You get massages like every day and she can't have one day to herself to rest?" I saw through the corner of my eye Snow looking at me with a small smile. "What did you just say, Sheriff?!" I chuckled slightly and said, "I said that you barely do any work yourself so you can't really cuss her out for taking a day off when God knows she fucking needs it! Give her a break, Ichabod! She works hard every fucking day while you sit on your ass all day!" "Oh, I'd watch my words if I were you, Bigby," he hissed. I sighed and gave up, knowing it would never get through his head. Crane groaned and said, "Ugh, fine just get back to work. I'm gonna go get some wine for my massage." Exactly proves my point, I thought as he walked out of the Business Office. (Ik this sounds so much like made my day but just wait lol) "Hate that guy," I said, shaking my head. "Yeah, me too," she chuckled. "In fact, with all the time he has, he should get a nose job because I honestly think his nose is getting slightly bigger every day," I laughed without thinking. Snow burst out laughing at my comment and said, "Oh my god, Bigby, I didn't know you had that much of a sense of humor!" I chuckled as she soon stopped laughing and we stared into each other's eyes. God damn it, Bigby, say something I thought. "Snow..?" I asked, putting a hand in my pocket. "Yeah?" she smiled politely. "Why do you put up with Crane's shit? You don't deserve this," I asked. "Well, I just try to do what I'm supposed to and try not to let it get to me," she explained, smoothing out her skirt. I gave her a sad puppy face and said, "I just can't stand that fucker. Hard to understand how he ended up running this place." We looked at each other and she said, "Yeah, me neither." She looked down a little and noticed something. "Um, Bigby, your fly's open," she said awkwardly. I looked down with wide eyes and saw my pants un-zipped, showing my black boxers and the big bad bulge that lived inside. "Fuck," I mumbled, turning around and attempting to zip up my pants, only to realize that it wouldn't zip up (probably because of that big dick of his LOL JKJK). "Shit, c'mon," I mumbled trying to zip up my trousers. Fuck it, I thought as I kinda pushed my bulge back a little and zipped up my pants. "Well...that was unexpected," I said turning around, blushing. (Lmao that's cute) Snow was trying to hold back her laughter but couldn't and broke out in a case of giggle fits. I scratched the back of my head and chuckled embarrassed, "Heh...yeah its funny..." She soon stopped and said, "Hehe, sorry Bigby, it's not every day that you catch the Sheriff with his fly open." "Good point," I smirked. "Well, I guess I'm gonna go to my office," I said about to walk away. "Wait, one more thing," Snow said, grabbing my arm. "What's that?" I asked turning my head back to her quickly to have the best thing happen to me. She quickly leaned in and gave me a quick peck on the lips and said, "Thanks for cheering me up, Bigby." Uh...huh, oh yeah, you're w-welcome," I said, walking away evidently dazed by the moment. I walked to my office with the biggest grin on my face and licked my lips to taste Snow's lips. Yup, I guess today was a good day, I thought happily, tottaly just quoting a Tupac song in my head.

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