I Am In Misery (pt.1)

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"Fuck man, that's not necessary!" Tweedle Dee yelled as I pushed him against the door, pulling his arm behind his back. I looked over my shoulder to see the Woodsman escaping. "Shit.." "He's the one you want, not me!" Dee yelled. "Your brother won't be saving you this time. C'mon, you're under arrest," I said, escorting him out of the door. "I told you I didn't do it." "Then you've got nothing to worry about," I said. I continued escorting him until I saw some red and blue lights, mundy police surrounding the Woodlands and mundy cop cars. The hell is going on? I thought. I handcuffed him to the nearby post and said, "Do anything stupid and I'll throw you down the Witching Well myself." He stared at me in fear as I walked up to the scene. (Play song here) I came up secretly to the police line as one cap walked away from it. I looked to the side and saw Beast running up. The cops tried to get him to stay away and he threw his arms up. I ducked under the police line and walked closer and closer to what they were investigating. A cop in the car got out of the car, glaring at me. I looked to the side and saw another cop walking away, covering his mouth in disgust. The cop walking past me quickly turned around and chased after me as more cops were doing so as well. It was as if time slowed down. Is it another head? Oh god, by the power of the gods, please don't be Snow's, I thought, anxiously. I continued walking up to the crime scene until I got to the huddle of crouched-down cops. I looked over their heads as one of them moved their head that was blocking the view. To my despair and surprise, it was Snow White's head at the doorstep. My eyes widened as I felt my heart break. I wanted to look away but I couldn't. I kept staring at the severed head in anger, misery, shock, depression and overall heartbreak. I was upset, nono I was infuriated. After 300 years, I never got to do all the things I've wanted to do with her. I never got to take her out to dinner, take her out to lunch, hell take her out for a walk. I never got to kiss her, to tell her about my unvanquished love for her, never got to make love to her sweet sweet body (I'm luvin you tonight lol that song just popped into my head). Never got to keep her warm, to make her finally feel happy and loved for once. "Sir, you can't cross a police line. I'm sorry but we're gonna have to take you in," the mundy cop said, putting his hand on my shoulder. I was speechless, couldn't move. The cop a few feet away from him pulled out a gun and said, "Sir, we're gonna ask you again. Turn around and out your hands in the air!" I turned around but I couldn't feel my arms enough to raise them. "Sir, this is serious, put your hands up or we're gonna lock you away for insubordination to a police officer," the police man said, sternly. I put my hands up in the air and the cop behind me pulled my hands to my back and put handcuffs around my wrists. He escorted me to the police car. I took one last look over my shoulder at the severed head of the woman I loved and felt my eyes getting heavy. The black male cop put me into the backseat of the car and closed the door. He got in the drivers seat and shut the door, starting up the car. I found my words and said, "Officer, are you really gonna lock me away in jail?" "No, but one of our detectives are gonna ask you a few questions," he assured. I hung my head and thought about what I'd just seen. Maybe if I close my eyes and open them back up, none of this would happen. It'd be all a dream, I thought. I closed my eyes and opened them and was still in the police car. Nononono.....how could this happen? I thought. I looked down and felt my eyes getting heavy again. I felt it wasn't worth suppressing my tears and just let the first tear I've had in years slowly fall down my cheek. Somebody did this to her, and they were gonna pay. There was no doubt in mind that they were going yo pay. And when I catch the fucker, I'm gonna rip off all of his limbs, one after the other.

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