Broken Pieces Of Me

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(everyone: mmm bout damn time you updated what its been like...4 months? girl you better get yo self together mhm bout damn time bout damn time)
It had already been a shitty morning. Everyday, I had to walk into the Business Office just to be introduced by stacks upon stacks of paperwork. I had to run over and break up pointless fights over stupid shit often. I put my life on the line for the sake of the community, and what exactly do I get? "Oh, Bigby, you're such a monster." "Bigby, you don't give a shit about us." "I always knew you were a fucking monster, Sheriff." It was just so tiring. Yeah, I did some evil things in the past but I'm different now. Why couldn't everyone just see that? It's been a few centuries and people still don't trust me? After the number of times I've proven myself? I hated it. Snow's sudden ice cold attitude wasn't helping either. It was always "Mr.Wolf" or "Sheriff" or "Sheriff Bigby" or "Sheriff Wolf". Why couldn't she just call me by my first name anymore? Just plain and simple; Bigby. Why did she have to go all professional and treat me like I'm not even her friend anymore? Was it because now that that weasel prick, Crane, is gone, she's the next Deputy Mayor? All these questions swimmed through my head every living day after the trail of the Crooked Man. I walked into the Business Office, already stressed and tired. As usual, Snow ran up to me with a handful of papers and said, "Sheriff, I've got a lot of work for you. I need it done by 10 o'clock." I sighed and said, "Okay." I made my way to my small office and opened the door, immediately being greeted by the strong smell of stale cigarettes and pen ink. I sighed and placed the work on the desk and closed the door. I sat in the chair and reached into my pocket for a pack of cigs. Unfortunately, there was nothing there. I sighed, opened the cabinet and pulled out a fresh pack of Huff-N-Puffs. I grabbed my lighter and lit my cigarette. I took a long, satisfying drag as I let the smoke and nicotine run all throughout my lungs (isn't that bad tho?). I got to work on the task at hand. Before I was even 6 minutes in, Bluebeard rushed into my office abruptly. "What the hell do you want, Bluebeard?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "Snow wanted me to tell you that there's a rumble down at the Trip Trap that you need to break up," he explained. "This is like the 4th time this week," I sighed, getting up and shoving my way past Bluebeard (Bigby: sigh sigh siGHSIGHSIGHSIGH GETTIN REAL TIRED OF YOUR SHIT, FABLETOWN).He straightened his tie and muttered, "Hm. Rude."
I walked down the steps in front of the Trip Trap and already heard the commotion that was going on. "Fuck you, Woody!" "Don't fucking push me, Gren!" "You two, stop this shit or get the hell out of my bar!!" "No no, this is good entertainment. I don't even need to play darts anymore." I kicked down the door and rushed inside. I saw Grendel grabbing the Woodsman by the collar and shoving him up against the wall. "You're fucking garbage!!!' He yelled in his face. "Hey!" I grabbed Gren and pulled him off of him. "Aw, man," Jack pouted. "What the fuck is going on here?!" I yelled in frustration. "This fucking fatass never apologized for fucking Holly's sister behind out backs!" Gren explained. Holly looked down sadly. "Hey, look I-" Woody tried to defend but I interrupted. "Okay, what the fuck does this matter anymore?! Yeah, he slept with Lily a lot; I know you're mad. But you two are fighting over an apology? Are you fucking serious?! Do you two have anything better to do?!?" I shrieked. "Bigby, you just don't understand," Gren said. "You know what? You're right. I don't. I don't understand why you have to be at each other's throats over a damn apology! Woody, say you're sorry!" I yelled. "Wolf, I-" "Did I stutter?" ".....I'm sorry, Gren," he apologized. "Yeah, you should be," Gren replied. "Okay, good. Are y'all good now?" I asked. They looked at each other for a couple of seconds and said, "Yeah. We're good." I groaned and walked out of the bar. "Fuckin' wastin' my time.." I mumbled.
I ran into my apartment in anger and overall frustration. I can't do this shit anymore. I hadn't slept in days. I was constantly working without appreciation. My back ached badly. My right eye always stung out of nowhere. The scars from my bullet wounds and broken arm hurt a lot. I just couldn't. Part of me wanted to go back to being the Big Bad Wolf, considering the fact that's how everyone sees me no matter what I do. The other part of me just wanted to keep doing what I've been doing. But I can't keep doing that if it's gonna be the same shit over and over again. I went into my kitchen and swiftly grabbed a bottle of whiskey out of my refrigerator. I downed the whole bottle in several big gulps and looked down at the bottle in my hands. I gritted my teeth and smashed it against the wall. "ARRRGGHH!!!" I growled, feeling myself go into my wolf man form. My fingernails turned into black claws. My teeth turned into fangs. My stubble turned into a full-on beard. The hair on my body grew as I got angrier and angrier. I ran back into the living room and started punching the wall repeatedly. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!!!" I yelled, making the hole in the wall get bigger with every punch. I didn't care if blood started to ooze out of my knuckles. I was too upset. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that Colin was asleep on my chair during this. He woke up and groaned. He looked over to me and saw me pacing around in anger. "Woah, Bigby! You alright, man?" He yelled in surprise. "No, I'm okay, Colin! Do I look like I'm okay?!" I yelled back, piercing him with my blood-red eyes. He jumped out of the chair quick, afraid that he'll become my next meal. "L-look, Bigby! Calm down. It's gonna be okay-" "NO IT'S NOT GONNA BE OKAY, COLIN!!" I shrieked, turning into my werewolf self. My shirt ripped open and fell off my body. All I was wearing was my now-ripped black slacks. I growled in infuriation and grabbed the table and threw it across the room. Colin trotted away in fear towards the telephone and picked it up with his mouth. He stood on his tippy-hooves (lol) and dialed a number. He put the phone down on the small table and leaned his ear to it really close. "UGGGGHHH!!!!!" I shrieked, punching an even bigger hole in the wall.
"Hello, Business Office," I heard Snow's voice say. "Snow, you gotta get down here quick! Bigby's on a big ass rampage as I speak!" I yelled over the loud commotion he was making. "Wait, w-what?!" She yelled. "Just get here quick!" I instructed. "Where are you guys?!" "In his apartment! Look, there's no time! Get over here, Snow!!!" I shrieked into the telephone. "Okay, o-on my way!" She screamed, hanging up.
Flashbacks and memories started rushing back into my head.
I was roaming the long black (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) forest in search of fresh meat. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any. That is, until, I stumbled upon a fresh scent. I ran up and peered over a bush to see a little girl with a red hood on and a basket in her hand skipping down the walkway. I smirked and licked my teeth in hunger. Found it.
"I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house down!!" I yelled, leaning back and blowing a huge gust of wind towards the house of straw. The house blew down, revealing a scared pig (Colin basically). He oinked in fear and trotted to the next available house. A house of sticks.
I clenched my teeth in frustration as those memories piled through my head. I was so angry that I was about to turn into my 8 foot tall wolf form....until I heard the door bust open. Snow. "Oh my god!!" She yelled in terror as she saw my werewolf body again. I looked to my right swiftly and saw her scared face.
I grabbed Tweedle Dum and shoved him up against the wall in the alley, ready to sink my claws into his skin. Oh, the way he looked at me in fear. I could smell it on him. He was afraid. He was about to meet his fate. "Fuck you, Wolf!" He managed to say as I choked him with my big wolf hand. I brought my free hand back in preparation to the rip out his throat. But I couldn't. I just couldn't. I couldn't go back to that. I growled in fury as my face softened into a merciful expression. I set him down on the ground and let go of him. He breathed heavily as he felt the air abruptly go back into his lungs. I stared down at the hitman and looked to my right to see Snow's shocked face. She had her mouth covered with her palm as she stared at me in surprise.
Colin his behind her for protection of what I might do. "Sheriff, stop this right this instant!" She ordered. "Snow! You shouldn't be here right now!!" I yelled. "Well, I'm here right now! Why are you so upset?" She inquired. "It's just...I.." I trailed off, looking down in guilt. "I can't keep going like this, Snow.." I said. She walked up to me slowly and said, "Well...going about it like this is all wrong, Sheriff." I sighed and hung my head. I felt myself shrink into my wolf man form in pity. "I hate how I have to do everything for this town, put my life on the line and not get at least one thank you. Everyone still thinks I'm the Big Bad Wolf when I've changed!" I confessed. She nodded and looked behind herself. "Colin, go outside," she said. "But-" "Just go! I need to speak to the Sheriff in private!" He nodded and walked out of my apartment, closing the door behind himself. "Mr.Wolf...I know that it's frustrating. I barely get gratitude either, but you can't tear up your freakin' apartment over it! You just have to deal with it," she lectured. "I've been dealing with it, Snow! I don't know how much further I can go dealing with this shit," I confronted. "Sometimes I just wanna go back to the woods and be a wolf again. Fuck..." (omg this is so sad likeeee i wanna crrryyy 3: BIGBBYYY) She put her hand on my shoulder and said, "Mr.Wolf....I understand where you're coming from. Really I do. But you have to pull it together. I know you can. I know you're more than this."
"Not this way!!!" The Crooked Man yelled, abruptly wrapping his handcuffs around my neck and dragging me to the Witching Well. Everyone shouted in shock and worry of what he was about to do. I struggled and lost amounts of breath by the minute. Luckily, I got myself out of the headlock and pushed him up against the edge of the well. I punched him straight across the face. "Ah...there you are," he smirked. "I hope you all...remember this moment. Think of me..when you try to sleep." All the Fables around suggested numerous of ways to deal with him. I was tempted. I was so tempted to just wrap my claws around his throat and rip his head clean off. Oh, how good that'd feel. But then I thought of Snow. I thought of the whole community. I couldn't do this in front of them. I was just gaining a little bit of trust from them. So, I did what I had to. I glared at him and shoved him to the ground. He groaned in pain. " said there was a way....lock him up for good," I said. "Yes..." She replied. "......good," I said.
I sighed (as usual) as I felt the hair on my body slowly decrease, my claws grow smaller and my beard getting slimmer. "You're right...Snow....." I said, thinking back. It went silent for a second. She hugged me suddenly. I hugged back with a small smile on my face. She pulled away and said, "Take the day off tomorrow. I can take it from here." I nodded. She walked towards the door of my now destroyed apartment. She grabbed the doorknob and was just about to leave until, "Bigby..." My ears perked up. "Yeah..?" "Just be okay...alright?" She said. I sensed concern in her voice and sympathy in her natural musk. I nodded and smiled softly. "The same goes for you." She smiled back. "I will."

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