Taxi Ride

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This was fucked up. This was so fucked up. Who could've killed that girl; Faith? I had just gotten back from that chase with...Dee, is it? My head was hurting like hell, but I didn't have time to worry about that right now. Snow and I were riding in a taxi all the way to the Trip Trap. I had to question the Woodsman and see what he knows. He was one of the last people around Faith before her death so he must know something. The car stopped in the middle of the street, followed by several honks and complaints. The cab kept going as Snow said, "Everytime I think I'm getting a handle on what's going on, things...just get more complicated. It feels like we're always a step behind." "The Woodsman is the only lead we've got...and he was one of the last people to see Faith alive. Getting some answers out of him will start to clear things up," I assured (logic bigby is logic). "I hope you're right," she replied. How did this all happen this quick? Just yesterday everything was normal and now all of a sudden, murder? I thought, feeling my head pound. "Bigby?" She said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Be honest with me. Who do you think..did this?" I leant over and put my hand to my face, thinking. "I know it's still early but..I just feel a step behind. It's an uncomfortable feeling," she said. "The Woodsman. He had the motive, he had the means...," I explained my well-thought out guess (damn bigby is like sherlock holmes but just with more grrr and woof woof). "You seem so sure he did it," Snow said. "I don't know yet," I said (I bet I'm fucking up the dialogue so bad right now this is from my memory). "We find the Woodsman, figure out what he knows and then go from there," I said. "Okay, that's probably the best approach," she smiled. I smiled back and looked out my side window as she did the same. That smile....just another thing to add on to my list of things I love about her. Her scent was one thing but her smile just made my heart warm. If only I had the ability to muster up the courage to tell her my feelings towards her. A took a quick glance at her and looked back out the window. I felt her eyes look back at me as well. "You're doing a re-" "I wish there wa-" We stared at each other, eyes wide and jaw dropped for a second and then looked back out of our individual windows (the sexual tension is so heated it hurts). "Sorry..." she said. "Go ahead, I-I-I didn't mean to cut you off," I said with concerned eyes. "It's nothing, I just.." I raised my eyebrows and put them back down as I stared into her eyes. I looked back out of my window and she started to speak again. "Seeing all this today...there are Fables that are struggling worse than I'd imagined. We pay so much attention to the residents of the Woodlands; you forget there's a whole community out there to serve. To have to turn to....prostitution....I wish there was more we can do." I listened intently to her words, not taking my eyes off of her. I couldn't blame her, unlike Crane, she actually cares for all the Fables out there and wants them to have a better life and not have to scrape to get by (OMG DID I JUST STEAL BEAUTY'S QUOTE OMG OMG IM GOING TO HELL O:). Deputy Mayor...position's a joke (fuck I did it again). "This isn't how I'd thought it would be...but Crane runs things his own way," she sighed. "You're doing your best. It's all anyone can do," I said, trying to comfort her. "Obviously you don't know what I do all day," Snow chuckled. "Right now...I'm the gatekeeper. Making sure none of these disfranchised folks are, as he puts it, wasting his time." (is it just me or did anyone actually think she meant that she would stand by the gate and tell the disfranchised people to gtfo all day because I did at first lmao) "You'Lol fix it," I said. She looked at me and smiled wide. Shit, that fucking smile again. "I don't's just a broken system. The Fables who walk in through the back door like Bluebeard...we have all the time in the world for them. "You try and come in through the front doors, through the proper channels asking for..anything, needing help...well, I turn you away," she sadly vented. I stared at her, feeling her pain. How does she cope sending all these needy Fables away just because Crane thinks they'll be "wasting his time". He's a real prick. "Now things are worse off than they've ever been." "Well..that's not true," I added. "Right, we've had it worse but...not by much," she said. "Maybe this isn't for me...I thought public service was...pure. A way to help," Ms.White sighed. "You'll figure it out. You're better than I am at this political stuff," I smirked. "Well, that's not saying much," she chuckled. "I trust you to make the right decision," I smiled. She looked away and said, "....I hope you're right." My facial expression softened as I continued to stare at her. I didn't even realize I was staring because I was so lost in her beautiful features. She looked back at me with a smile as we stared into each other's eyes (so cliché I know lol). We both slowly leaned forward until our lips finally met. Is this really happening, I thought, feeling my heart skip a beat. Our lips molded over one another as I brought a hand to her cheek. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer as we pulled away. We put our foreheads together, staring into each other's eyes (OH MY GOD THIS IS SO CLICHÉ IT FUCKING HURTS OMFG). We brought our lips back together until we heard the taxi driver tap on the window. We pulled away as he said, "We're here." I looked out the window at the Trip Trap. "Maybe you should handle this one..." Snow said. "Yeah...maybe I should," I said, looking back at her. I got out of the car, licking my lips to get every bit of Snow I had gotten. I shut the door, beginning to walk to the bar until I heard her say, "Bigby.." I walked back to the car and leaned down the window. "I um...just be careful....please," she pleaded. "The same goes for you," I said, raising an eyebrow. "I will," she smiled. I turned around and walked back to the Trip Trap, hearing the cab drive away. What a night...I thought, smiling.

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