I Am In Misery (pt.2)

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"Mr.Wolf, Detective Brannigan will be with you in a moment," the mundy cop said, heading out of the door. I was sitting in this lawn chair in a small room with a small camera in front of me. Shit, everything is so fucked. Not only is Snow dead but the mundies might find out about fables. Where are we gonna relocate to? I thought. I gritted my teeth feeling the anger of Snow's death boil up inside. I will fix this, I thought. And I'm gonna beat their ass in the process. The door opened, revealing a woman with long hair tied in a ponytail with bangs and business attire on. "Hello, Mr.Wolf, my name is Detective Brannigan and I'll be interrogating you," she said, sitting across from me. "Uh-huh," I replied, trying to place my mind off of my love interest's death. "Did you know Miss White? Were you two close?" she asked. "Yeah, she was a friend of mine," I said. "Right...a friend," Brannigan said. "So am I correct? You two worked together at the Woodland Luxury Apartments?" Heh, luxury my ass, I thought. I didn't respond in fear of practically spilling the beans on Fabletown. She began writing something on her notepad with her big ass pen (seriously though how can she hold that big ass thing in her hand). "I'm gonna show you a picture and you're going to tell me what I need to know," she said. The detective pulled out a photo of Snow White's head and scooted it towards me. I stared at the picture and felt my stomach turn. I started to have a flashback of when I saw her head on the doorstep of the Woodlands. The red and blue lights flashed around me as the police were running after me. I couldn't move at all. I was paralyzed. I couldn't believe my eyes, how the hell could this happen? Maybe if I would've kept an extra eye on her, she'd still be alive. WHO THE FUCK DID TH- "MR.WOLF!" My thoughts and flashback was interrupted by the concerned detective as she moved the photo away from me. "You're making this more difficult than it has to be," Kelsey Brannigan said. "If you'd just cooperate and answer the questions, you could go home. Maybe get some sleep." I pulled out a cigarette and lit it, throwing the pack on the table. She sighed and said, "How are you feeling? I know it's been a long night for you. You look like you could use some rest." "I'm pretty fucking pissed off right now, if I'm honest. I'd like to smash everything in this room," I frowned. "Is that a threat?" she chuckled. "Depends on how much you like the furniture," I said, taking a drag of my cigarette. A few seconds passed and she said, "I didn't think that was funny, in case you were waiting for me to laugh." I tapped the cigarette to get the little ashes in the ashtray. "Look, I know what you must be going through. Really, I do, but I can use your cooperation," Brannigan informed. "You don't know anything, if you did you wouldn't be sittin' here talkin' to me. You'd be talking to the piece of shit that did this," I said, feeling the anger build up inside of me like Tetris. "Well, you stonewalling me like this isn't helping either of us, so why don't you cut the shit and-" she said, getting up and pounding her hands on the desk. I looked her dead in the eyes and took a badass drag of my cheap cigarette. "I'm trying to help you, Bigby!" Kelsey said, sitting back in her chair and writing more on her notepad. I looked at her long ass pen and said, "What is it with you cops? Always trying to emphasize with people. 'I know this may be hard for you'. Do you? Do you fucking know?!" I scooted closer and said, "Have you had a friend killed and their head left at your fucking doorstep?!" She stared at me in sympathy. "No? Didn't think so," I said, leaning back. Fucking hell, I thought. I looked back up at her to see her nose bleeding. "Your nose is bleeding." She wiped under her nose and looked at her fingertips. She looked crazy to the point where it was kinda funny. "Are you okay? You don't look too good.....Detective Brannigan?" I asked. "I'm Detective Brannigan." "Yeah, I just said that, is there something-?" She covered her ear and said, "Do you hear that?" I stared at her intently as she started groaning in pain. "Aah, I'm sorry just....make it stop...please?! Hhhpppghhh," Brannigan said, collapsing on the desk. I stared at her with wide eyes. The fuck? I thought. Crane came through the door with a box in his arms. "We have to go. Now!" "What are you doing here?" I said. "You should be thanking me! It's just a memory wipe spell. Very expensive, but it works. The whole station will forget the next 24 hours and everything they saw at the Woodlands. Well, hurry up!" He walked out of the door as I stubbed my cig out on the ashtray. I got up and walked towards the door. Looking back, I grabbed the photo of Snow and stuffed it in my pocket. Ichabod and I stepped outside and walked all the way to his car. He placed the box of items in the back seat and got in the the driver's seat. I sighed, opening the door and getting in the passenger. Crane started the car and began to drive. Why is this paper-thin rat bailing me out? I thought. I thought about the memories of Snow and I. When she'd smile at me sometimes, those little rants about Crane. Those inside jokes we'd have time to time. Those little flirtatious moments we'd have a lil bit here and there. When she told me to be careful, how she's dead all of a sudden. I felt a little teary eyed but quickly swept those tears back in and cleared my throat. "Ahem." Crane looked at me and said, "Ahem." I looked back at him and said, "This doesn't change anything." "Fine," he sighed. He stopped the car to a red and said, "We found Tweedle Dee chained up to a post. That was your doing, correct?" "Yeah..," I sighed. "Well, I don't know why you detained him. Dee was at the Trip Trap when Snow was left at the Woodlands, so he couldn't possibly be involved in this mayhem," (but he is, dumbass lol) the deputy mayor said. Really not in the mood for this, I thought. "He's working for somebody, and who ever it is wants him snooping around every crime scene I've looked at," I assured. "That doesn't mean he's involved in the murders." He pulled up to another red light and said, "I know what you're thinking, Bigby. It's been one full night and a slice of morning...and I already miss her too." HA! Bullshit, I thought, turning my head to face the window. "You know, I never get anymore homesick when one of us dies, but now...for it to be Snow...I've never been good with these sorts of things. I just can't believe this is really happening," he explained. "Give me a fuckin' break," I said, rolling my eyes. "What?" "You treated her like the fuckin' maid, and now, heh, you want a shoulder to cry on? You didn't care then and you don't care now," I said with such anger. "That is not true! Not true at all!" I rolled my eyes once more. "I thought we had some common ground! Could discuss this like gentlemen!" he exclaimed. Common ground, my dick, I thought. "Let's get something straight here, alright, we have exactly nothing in common. Everything that connects is dead...and gone." He continued driving and said, "I don't know why I'm asking you, but did she give any indication to what she was thinking? When you saw her last, I mean." "Yeah, she gave an indication, she was pissed at you. By saying that she was pissed at you," I said. "At me?" Crane asked. "She was pissed at the whole fuckin' system. Hated to have to turn fables away, it wore her down," I explained with anger. Crane kept quiet and continued driving. "I don't know what else to say, we have to...we have to put an end to this." He parrell parked (how the fuck did he do it that quick he's talented at the driving) and said, "There's been two murders in as many days, if we don't unearth our culprit and soon...there will be another on our doorstep tonight," Ichabod said, getting out of the door. "I'll get it done," I said, depressed. "Please, Bigby, for Miss White-" "I got it!" I yelled, slamming the door and breaking the window. Crane stared at the cracked window with a frown on his face.

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