Through Pain & Suffering Lies Love & Cherishment

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"See you around..." Mary said, getting into the car and driving off. Snow looked down at the pained wolf that she has known for centuries upon centuries. "-sigh- It took ten seconds, I said we wouldn't comprise. Oh, I can't believe I did that, I can't believe I did that, Bigby, are you okay?" she panicked as her eyes started to water. Nonono, Bigby you can't be dead, please no, god, Snow thought as tears began to fall down her face. "Bi-Bigby, can you -he-ear me? O-oh god, Bigby," she sobbed. She heard a low grunt come out of Bigby as he struggled to get some words out, "Snow...we'll be alrigh..". "Oh my god, Bigby, please please don't go! I-I need you hear with me, I need you!" "Don't worry..don't worry, we're gonna get you some help!" the princess said, crying. "uhgh..don't..-groan- don't worry about.." Bigby tried saying until everything went black. "Bigby? Bigby? BIGBY?!" She yelled out, hugging his lifeless body. Nerissa came out of nowhere and came by Snow's side. "Oh my god, wh-what happened?" she asked. "Just c-call Swineheart, please?" Snow asked. "Okay, okay," she panicked running back into the Pudding & Pie. She ran past Vivian and grabbed the telephone. "What's wrong, Nerissa?" Vivian asked, concerned. "Bigby needs help, I'm calling Swineheart,"Nerissa yelled. "Oh shit!" Vivian cried. "Hello?" Swineheart said on the other line. "YES, SWINEHEART! THIS IS NERISSA, BIGBY NEEDS SOME SERIOUS HELP RIGHT NOW!" "Where is he?" Swineheart sighed. "He's outside the Pudding & Pie, get here quickly, I-I don't know how long he can last!" "Okay, I'm coming!" Swineheart said and hung up. The little mermaid ran back outside and ran to Snow. Okay, I called Swineheart, he's coming as fast as he can. "Thank you, Nerissa, thank you...thank you," Snow said, shedding a few more tears. Nerissa ran back into the Pudding & Pie, pacing back and forth. Meanwhile, Snow was still hugging Bigby. All of a sudden, he started to morth into his human form. Snow's tears was dripping on to him as she looked at his unconscious face. She kissed his thin lips and hugged him closer. "Please Bigby, just p-p-please...don't go.." Snow whimpered. (omg right in the feels right?) She heard a car pull up quickly and looked up to see Swineheart rush out of the car. "Okay, Miss White, we need to get him in the car as fast as we can," he said. He helped her lift him up and carried him to the car. The fabletown surgeon opened the back-seat door and they placed him in there. Snow sat next to him and held on to his arm tight. Swineheart drove as fast as he could to the Woodlands. On the way there, Snow White reminisced on all the moment they've had together.

"Just careful..please?" "The same goes for you." "I will."

"He played out his sick fucking fantasies over and over!" "We can't condemn people for just being gross." "Snow I-" "And no evidence that says he was in the same room at some point in time." "He embezzled missions from Fabletown, Bigby. That's what I have to care about, and that's enough." "Snow, why are you DEFENDING him?!" "I'm not! I'm defending the order of things, Sheriff! You can hate him...I do. But I want him brought in for what he did to this town, and not killed by you for personal preference."

"I just want you to be careful! -sigh- I almost lost you once and-" "I'm not yours to lose!"

"What an asshole.." "Yeah, that was about an 8 on the asshole scale. Asshole scale? Why that doesn't sound right."

"Snow.." "Yes?" "I'm glad you're uh..not dead."

All of these memories were swimming through Snow's head as she hung my head in despair. Why, why did they have to do this? she thought.  Her thoughts were interrupted as Swineheart swerved to a halt and said, "Okay, we're here!" He stopped the car, grabbed his bag of medical supplies, got out and opened the back door. He lifted Bigby up carefully as Snow got out of the car. They ran through the doors of the Woodlands and ran to the elevator. Snow pressed the button and the elevator doors opened. They walked in and she pressed the button, making the elevator doors shut and ascend it's way to the floor of Bigby's Apartment. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon," she said, feeling impatient. The elevator doors stopped and the doors opened. They bolted out and ran to his apartment door. Swineheart opened it and him and Snow walked in. Snow shut the door behind her as Swineheart rushed to Bigby's ratted up chair and placed him down carefully. "He's losing too much blood," Swineheart said, placing his bag down and grabbing gauze, big tweezers and rubbing alcohol. He placed his bag down and began to work. Colin walked out of the kitchen, seeing an unconscious Bigby in his chair as Swineheart operated on him and Snow staring at him, tearing up. "Woah, what happened to him?" Colin asked, worried. "We got into a fight with the Tweedles and Bloody Mary back at the Pudding & Pie," Snow said, wiping away her tears. The pig looked at Bigby with wide eyes as he clopped up to him. (idk) Bigby's eyes began to open as he was gaining awareness again. "hmmmphh, w-wh-what me?" he stuttered. Swineheart said, "You got into quite the altercation, Bigby, this is gonna hurt." He poured rubbing alcohol over Bigby's shot wounds to clean out the bacteria. "AAAAHHHHH!" he yelled, hitting his hand on the arm-rest in pain as his pecs pumped up in pain. (lol) "Holy shit," Colin said. "Oh god, Bigby," Snow cried. "Snow...aghh, Snow.." he groaned, looking up at her in agony. "You're gonna be okay, Bigby, you're gonna be okay," she said. "This is gonna hurt far worse," the doctor said. "Wait, wha-" he said until he felt the pain of Swineheart using the big ass tweezers to pull out the silver bullet. "ARRRGGGGGGGEHUUUUUUFUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" Bigby cried. Snow and Colin watched in horror at the pain the Sheriff was going through. Swineheart dug deeper and with one great pull, he pulled the silver bullet out of him. Bigby was panting in pain and agony from that. Swiney dropped the silver bullet in a cup and said, "Okay, not that we've got the worse part out of the way." He continued to take the remaining bullets out of Bigby's torso as Bigby grunted and groaned in pain. "Bigby, man, hang in there!" Colin yelled out."Bigby, listen to me, you're going to be alright, don't worry," she said with a concerned face. "Snow, I-" he was interrupted when Snow smashed her lips against his, surprising him. Colin looked at the two with his jaw dropped. He closed his mouth and looked away a little with a grin, flicking his eyes at them. She pulled away and said, "Just hang in there, okay?" Bigby nodded and grunted in agony. Swineheart pulled out a needle and sedated him because he was losing too much blood. The wolf fell unconscious once again.

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