Going Out On A Date (pt.1)

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(6 PM)

"Ugh, all this paperwork," I mumbled to myself. I was sitting in my office, doing the usual. Signing papers, reading papers, all of these papers. I automatically started to think about Snow. Ah, Snow. Everything about her is just perfect, I thought. It wonders me how she deals with all of Crane's bullshit, yet still manages to be a nice person. Maybe I should finally ask her out, I thought. Woah, no, Bigby. What if she doesn't want you? I mean, why would she want to date the Big Bad Wolf himself? I was saddened a little by that thought. "You know what, fuck it, I'm gonna do it," I said to myself. I got out of my chair and walked out of my office. I walked all the way to the door of the business office. Hmph, no line this time? Weird. I thought. I opened the door and found Snow at her desk working. I walked over to the edge of her desk and said, smiling, "Hey, Snow." She looked up at me and smiled. "Hey, Bigby. Do you need anything." Here I go, I thought. My throat instantly got really dry and the room was getting a little hotter. I stood there for a few seconds, trying to think of the write words to say. Snow just kept staring at me, awkwardly. Fuck, I'm making this awkward. SAY SOMETHING! I thought to myself. I cleared my throat and said, "Well, you seem kinda..uhm..stressed, you know, doing all this paperwork. So....uh..I thought, if you're not doing an-an-anything tonight, why don't I-I take you out among the mundies? Like out to dinner or something?" My throat was as dry as the Sahara Desert at this point. I felt my heart beating faster. She didn't say anything for a few seconds, just staring at me blankly. This is extraordinarily awkward now, I thought. I looked at anything but her face. I couldn't handle the tension. I was about to walk away in despair, until she said, "Yeah, I'd love to, Bigby. I'll be ready around 8." "Okay," I said, walking away a little fast. The moment I closed the door behind me, I walked towards the elevator with a huge grin on my face. SHE SAID YES! PRAISE THE LORD, I thought, happily. I pressed the button and the elevator dinged. I walked in and pressed the number of the floor to my apartment. The moment the elevator doors closed, I did a little happy dance until the elevator dinged again and the elevator doors opened. I walked out and ran to my apartment door. I unlocked it, and walked in, shutting the door behind me. Then it hit me. I'm gonna take Snow out to dinner in an hour or two, and I have no idea where I'm gonna take her. I hope Colin isn't here, I thought. I looked at the nightstand near my chair and picked it up. Colin walked out of the kitchen and looked at me. "What are you so happy about?" he said. "What?" I asked. "You had a huge smile on your face as if you won the lottery. What happened?" the pig said, smiling. "Colin, why do you have to be so nosy?" I said as I turned a page in the newspaper. Colin narrowed his eyes and said, "Because I can. Now tell me what the hell happened." "You're never gonna give up on this, are ya?" I asked, sighing. "Probably not," he said. "I asked Snow out." I said, a bit hesitant. Colin just stared at me, eyes wide. "You actually did? You actually grew the balls and asked her out?" I raised my eyebrow at him. "Congratulations, Bigby! Did she say yes?" "Yeah," I said. "That's great! Maybe now she wouldn't mind giving you head," he said, bursting out laughing. "Shut up, Colin," I sighed. "Nah, but I'm actually really happy for you, man." Colin said, smiling. I shook my head and looked back at the newspaper. There was an advertisement for this 5-star restaurant called 'Bel Cibo' on the side. I grabbed a pen and circled it. Italian Food is her thing, right? I thought. I put the newspaper down on the table and walked to the dusty ass bedroom. I opened the closet and looked through all my clothes. They were all stained, dirty looking and just weren't gonna cut it for tonight. I grabbed this blazer I bought in the 60's, and for some reason, it was still looking nice. I pushed all the other clothes to the right and hung the blazer all the way to the left. I found a red bow-tie on the floor. Oh yeah, I don't remember why I bought that. I thought as I picked it up and looked at it in my hand. I placed it on the bed and walked to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me. I decided to do my business before taking a shower. Wouldn't want to wet myself in front of Snow. I unzipped my pants and pulled my cock out and took a piss. I moaned slightly the whole time. Been a long time since I took a piss, I thought. I flushed the toilet and stripped down. I hopped in the shower and told the water on. The water felt really good on my skin. I hadn't taken a shower in like years and it felt like heaven.


I got out of the shower and dried myself off with a towel. I still can't believe she said yes, I thought. I wrapped the towel around my waist and opened the bathroom door. I grabbed a pair of white boxers, dropped the towel and put on the underwear. I heard a few clops with some oinks come closer. "Hey, buddy." Colin said. "Hey, Colin," I sighed as I grabbed a pair of black pants and put them on. Colin smiled at me and said, "Got a cig?" I shrugged and said, "Nope." I put my best-looking white-collared shirt on, and grabbed my blazer. "Woow, super stud. About to go on a date." Colin joked, smirking. "Ugh, shut up, Colin," I said as I shrugged on my blazer and smoothed it out. I walked over to the bed and grabbed the bow-tie. "What time is it, by the way?" I asked. He turned his head to the clock and said, "7:45". I put the bow-tie under my collar and ran my fingers through my hair. "So, how do I look?" I asked him with a questioning look. "You look like you're about to go to an awards show," he said. "Thanks," i said, smiling. I walked out of the bedroom door and was heading towards the door out of the apartment. "Uh, wait, Bigby," Colin said. "Yeah?" I asked, turning around. He disappeared into the bedroom and came back with a condom between his lips. "Here," he said, handing it to me. I looked at the condom in my hand and said, "Why the fuck are you giving me this?" "You never know, things might lead to another," he said, chuckling. I sighed and tossed the condom across the room. "Bye, Colin." "Alright, but can I still be at the wedding?" he joked. I gave him half a smile and walked out of my apartment, closing the door behind me.

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