ch. 42 ✰ an unexpected call from an unexpected person

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Exactly two weeks had passed by, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm actually happy with the way things are going right now. I wake up at 7, get ready for work—

Oh, and I also got accepted at Fashion & Co.!

I got accepted three days after I applied, but I am only in the job position as an assistant towards Sasha Maren. What I do is I basically follow her around, see what she does, jot notes down, study the different fashion trends that are trending right now, view the stocks for the past month and see whether we increased or decreased, and set up all her meetings.

Basically, work is exhausting as hell. But hey, at least the pay is good!

But I wish I had more of an impact at Fashion & Co., such as helping the designers make designs and create different outfits. I know I have potential, and I sometimes butt in and try to put my input, but the employees usually surrounded at the table scrunch their nose up at me in disgust and tell me to make a coffee.

Which I am pretty insulted by because the intern makes the coffee, not the assistant.

I would've been an intern too, but because I told Sasha that I had ties with Ayushi, she immediately took me in as an assistant immediately. Normally I would be pretty oblivious towards that and try not to let other people's status help me towards success, but at this point I was so desperate for a job where I would take literally anything that came my way.

And in that week, I also managed to stay in touch with Neha, Suhana, and Ayushi. We would usually have group calls every night, having everybody catch up on everybody else's lives. Neha basically is talking to Ali every day, since they both live nearby to each other in California, and she also told us that they are pretty much a thing right now. And Suhana, on the other hand, calls Dani every night and they are a thing as well, too. We try to encourage her to tell her parents about Suhana being into girls and that she has a girlfriend too, but considering how old-school her parents are, Suhana is hardcore hesitating with it. However, she claims that she will one day.

Finally, after Ayushi caught everybody up on her wedding planning and how much her and Manav bang every night, I told everybody about my sad and single life, which basically consisted of no men whatsoever. Honestly, I try not to make it such a big deal because I am just so invested in work and dealing with my 9-5 job where my mind doesn't even have the space to think about men, especially a specific guy that I was unfortunately associated with in Costa Rica.

To be honest, I am still trying my best to get over Akash and forget about him, forget that he ever existed in my life. I haven't seen him ever since that night he showed up at my door, and I'm glad I haven't run into him. The last thing I need in my life right now is him annoyingly coming back to me and saying that he wants me back. And what's so wonderful about this situation is that the girls support me every day about my decision, which was cutting all ties with him, because I felt guilty about doing that, but they told me my decision was not only great for his good but for my good as well.

I did this for both of our good, because I know us together equals in complete disaster.

Today was a nice overcast day in the city, and I plopped my bag onto the counter as I had just now come home from work. I am super exhausted today because I had to run back and forth a lot with Sasha, who kept blabbering on and on about how many meetings she had today and that I had to keep track of her busy schedule. Some part of me really wanted to scream at her and tell her to take a chill pill, but then I fortunately realized me doing that would not have had a delightful outcome.

I am wearing a white tank top underneath a business coat, and I tear it off of me, groaning in comfort. The black high heels that wedged under my feet soon come off as well, and I wince while I look at the blisters forming on my heels in utter disgust. Finally, I unbutton my dress pants and trudge over to the kitchen, grabbing a huge bag of Doritos, and I situate myself by plopping on the couch. Ah, home sweet home.

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