ch. 31 ✰ follow your heart, and the road as well

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The car ride home was basically one of the best car rides I have ever been on. Neha, Suhana, Ayushi and I shared the greatest laughs together, gossiped together, ranted together, and even cried together. I guess when you're with your girls, you kind of let all of your emotions out.

But the time was almost 2am, and it was time to go to sleep. I myself am never one to fall asleep early, but today I can feel my eyes drooping and my body fatigued as hell. I am assuming that is because of all the endless shopping we have done today, even though I didn't get anything because I spent almost all of my money on the Gucci outfits. Ayushi offered to give me more money in my bank account, but I immediately said no because 1) I feel bad that she's lending money for me and 2) I am afraid I will carelessly spend my money on something else that I can clearly buy in New York. So, instead, I am going to save the remaining money on souvenirs.

The night sky gleams, the crescent moon swooning above us. As I drive down the hilly roads crafted on the hills, I lean against the headrest and let the car cruise, letting myself enjoy the beautiful view.

Right next to the hill is a railing so the cars don't go flinging off into the waters below us. The oceanic water roars every five seconds as it splashes onto shore. Just hearing the waves makes me want to jump into the ocean and let myself go, just me alone.

I look from the corner of my eye and see that Ayushi is sound asleep against the door, her short hair flying soundly against the wind. Then, I look into the rear-view mirror and see that Neha and Suhana are sound asleep too, and they are both leaning on each other for support. A smile creeps on my lips as I notice everyone is just soundly asleep, indistinctively listening to the calming naturistic sounds.

The GPS tells me to take a quick right, so I execute one. Obviously, driving in the empty hilly roads of Costa Rica is very different compared to the annoying and rambunctious traffic of New York City. Honestly, I prefer this life over the New York City one, mainly because the view here is immaculate, and everything and everyone is just so peaceful and calming. I'm just used to the boisterous life of NY because I have been living there for a good amount of time, but sometimes all I wanted to do was to just get the hell away from there and run away to a much better place, like Costa Rica.

Sometimes I can't help but wonder if me going to Costa Rica was some sort of miracle. I believe in the term everything happens for a reason, mainly because it truly does. I believe in other terms as well, but I generally go with what every religion says because honestly, I don't stick to one religion itself. I do believe in God, yes, but I wouldn't call myself a Hindu, or a Buddhist, or a Christian, or a Catholic. My parents and I think my brother Rahul as well are strong believers of Hinduism, but I always found myself not really interested in Hinduism. I only believe in one God itself, and He has no name for me... he's just God, and he's monitoring over me, making sure I don't make dumbass mistakes.

I just feel like me coming here was meant to happen. And Ayushi randomly calling me to join her in Costa Rica right after I encountered Nick cheating on me with Chelsea obviously happened for a reason, right? God knew that I wanted to have a getaway for the longest of time, and he finally granted my wish.

But even being here in Costa Rica has my problems catching up to me that resided in New York City. For example, Chelsea texted me that day, but I barely even said a word back to her. And I know I also came here to escape my parents, but it truly upsets me that they haven't managed to communicate with me or even text me and see how I'm doing. I try so hard to be independent that I feel like I end up pushing people away, especially the ones I have loved and known my entire life.

A soft gust of wind blows against my face, causing my hair to run around wildly. I kindly push it away and take a deep breath, anxiously gnawing at my bottom lip. As much as I enjoy my time here, at the same time, I can't help but wonder what the hell I'm going to do when I get back home. First, I'm going to have to find a job because I unfortunately got fired before I came here. Ugh, it's so extremely difficult to find a job in New York, so I am most definitely screwed, and it's not like my résumé is going to make up for anything either.

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