ch. 38 ✰ bodies combined, lips intertwined

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WARNING (yes haha, again): this chapter contains mature material/content that may be uncomfortable to readers under the age of 16. Please read at your own caution.

The first thing I feel when I wake up in the early morning is a pair of muscular arms holding me tightly, and my back is pressed up against someone's hard torso that digs into my skin. Curiously, I crane my neck around, following before the rest of my body, and my lips part as I see Akash inches from me, breathing softly into my shoulder as he is sound asleep.

That is when flashbacks of last night whisked into my mind, and a haughty smirk grows on my lips. Body pressing into mine... grasping my thighs tightly... feeling his hot and heaving breath on me... his talented fingers pleasuring me in infinite amount of ways... I feel my body heating up to the temperature of a furnace as I grasp the black comforter up to my chin, my naked body underneath.

That is when I inquisitively look around my surroundings, and an audible gasp escapes out of me. On the nightstand beside us, the lamp that was initially on the nightstand is strewn on the other side of the patio, clumsily resting on the ground. The drawers of the nightstand are all opened, and one of the drawers are completely ripped out from the nightstand itself. And I remember from one of our most energetic moments of the night, I was straddled on the wall against Akash, and I clung onto the curtains of the sliding glass doors, initially tearing them apart with my iron grip. I gulp as I eye the torn fabric laying idly on the ground. Holy crap.

Suddenly, Akash stirs awake and snuggles into my shoulder, moving his arms up to my neck, holding me close. "Good morning beautiful," he sleepily murmurs.

A small smile grows on my lips as I crane my neck towards him. "Good morning," I whisper, running my fingers along his soft hair. His chin is tucked underneath my shoulder, and his eyes slowly open up, revealing his oceanic blue eyes that I can probably get lost in for days. His thick and dark eyelashes flutter, and he suddenly presses a soft kiss on my shoulder. "What time is it?" he yawns out, leaning his head back on the pillow.

I reach out to the nightstand and see the alarm clock hanging dangerously on the other side of it. "It is 6:03am," I breathe out.

"Shit, that means the sunrise is about to happen." Akash immediately shoots out of bed and flings the comforter off of him, revealing his naked form in the orange sunlight. His tan skin glistens as he runs his fingers along his hair, pacing back and forth.

"Um, is everything alright?" I get up out of bed and I notice too late that I am completely naked as well. Gulping, I look over at Akash who boldly rakes his eyes over my naked figure, his eyes especially lingering over the lowest part of my body. "Well, everything's alright now," he rasps out, walking towards me.

I take a deep breath and try to pull myself together as he walks in front of me, his eyes masked with lust and desire. I press my lips together and blurt out, "Why were you so worked up before about the sunrise?"

Akash crosses his arms over his chest and cocks his head. "Because I want to watch it with you, that's why."

A blush tinges my cheeks as I tuck my chin into my chest, a smile forming on my lips. "Watching the sunrise? That sounds kind of romantic," I tease him. He snorts, clenching his jaw. "Are you saying what we did last night wasn't romantic?"

"Never said it wasn't," I prod, and he shakes his head, his shoulders shaking from silent laughter. His eyes then graze towards the patio, where it literally looks like an entire hurricane took over. A low whistle escapes out of his mouth. "We did not give this place any mercy," he laughs.

"Honestly," I laugh as well, looking over at the ripped curtains. "Do you think we'll get in trouble?"

He snorts. "I hope not." I slap his shoulder. "Akash! Be serious! We completely destroyed a motel room. Of course we're going to get in trouble for that."

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