ch. 30 ✰ girl's night out in Calle Blancos

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A throbbing headache takes over my head as I grunt to myself, rubbing my temples. One of the many wonderful things that happen after you get drunk is getting hungover. My hangovers are usually sometimes very minuscule or very terrible, and there is literally no in between. But today it seems like my hangover is going to be 10/10 utter pain.

Sunlight seeps into my room as I mutter curses to myself, hitching my blanket over my head. Then, from underneath the covers, I pull out my phone and see that the time reads 1:05pm.

"Crap!" I hiss, flinging out of my covers. But, I quickly look to my right and see that Ayushi is peering in from my door, lightly knocking it. "Rise and shine, bitch!" she giggles.

I gasp in complete horror, shooting out of bed. "Girl, you almost made me shit my pants!"

"Sorry," she winces. "Although that would be a very interesting sight to view." I roll my eyes and walk over to the window, grumbling to myself.

"Let me guess," Ayushi takes a deep breath. I can hear her walking towards me as my head is inclined towards the window. "Hangover?"

"That's just putting it mildly," I murmur. "Let's call it a feels-like-hell hangover instead."

Ayushi lets out a hearty laugh. "Gotcha."

I turn around and look at Ayushi. She seems to be wearing a velvet-colored bathrobe and has fuzzy slippers underneath. Her hair is wrapped up in a towel, and she has a bright smile on her face. I can't remember the last time this girl was ever upset.

"I'm guessing you just showered?" I cock my head.

"Yup, felt great," she beams at me. "And I'm guessing you just woke up?" She points towards me, whom is currently wearing an oversized One Direction tee, and my hair is done in an extremely messy bun as random strands of hair fall on my face. "Yes, I sure did."

"Interesting," she grins. "Well, the reason I came here is to provide you with news."

"What news?" I question, adding a quick yawn afterwards.

"Well..." she trails off, probably to add some sort of dramatic effect. "We're going on a girl's trip today!"

My eyebrows raise, and I laugh. "For real?"

"Mhmm," she replies. "It's gonna be lit! Us four girls are gonna take on Calle Blancos, which is not too far away from San José. And I heard they have Prada there, alongside with so many other shops!"

"Wow!" I chuckle. "Suddenly my hangover has disappeared."

Ayushi grins. "Take your time to relax and get ready, though. We're not leaving until this evening, and we'll be back later tonight."

"Sounds good," I nod my head.

"But don't forget," Ayushi quickly adds. "Starting today, you guys can do whatever you want now! I just wanted to hang out with my girls before we start doing our own things, you know?"

A light bulb flicks inside of my mind. She's right! So, after this, I can travel on my own and collect my own memories. "Okay," I smile. "Thanks for everything, by the way."

"Girl, no need to thank me!" She giggles. "This is all out of pure love."

I exchange heartfelt smiles with her, and she takes a deep breath afterwards. "Alright, well... meet us downstairs whenever you're ready, and then we can take our fat asses over to Calle Blancos!"

I cheer with her and she promptly exits the room, leaving me and my excruciatingly pain-like of a hangover alone. Then, I plop down on my bed, throwing my head back onto the soft and plush mattress. Man, vacation is flying back so fast. I honestly don't think I'm ready to go back to Costa Rica.

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