Page 20: Adversity

Start from the beginning

???: Regardless, it's over now.

(Y/N): Excuse me?

Asta: Over?

Leopold: What is?

(A portal appears & it spits out...)

Noelle: [screams]

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Noelle: [screams]

Asta: [screams]

(Y/N): [shouts]

Leopold: No! Fuegoleon!

(Leopold & Noelle run over to Fuegoleon but Y/N stays with Asta because of his injuries.)

Asta: But how? How can someone be that strong? That's just insane!

(Y/N): The amount of power that a person must have to not only beat a Magic Knight captain but to take an arm as well...

Noelle: They--His arm.

Leopold: This can't be. No.

(A bunch of flashback images between Fuegoleon & Leopold.)

Leopold: You can't die, Fuegoleon! No, not my brother. He would never lose. He'd never lose. Never!

(Fuegoleon's grimoire drops out of the portal.)

Noelle: [gasps] It's Captain Fuegoleon's grimoire! Wait, if his grimoire's still intact, then he's not dead yet! We have to stop the bleeding! (tears off a piece of her clothing)

Leopold: Impossible. There's no way.

Noelle: If only Mimosa were here, she could fix this.

(Fuegoleon's grimoire begins to disintegrate.)

Noelle: Leopold. Your brother's grimoire is starting to disintegrate! Snap out of it! I need your help!

Leopold: My brother.

Noelle: Leopold! Are you just going to let your brother die?

(Rades appears next to Leopold.)

Rades: Well, Magic Knight, not so sure about yourself anymore now, are you?

Noelle: Pull it together!

(Rades blasts Leopold into a wall.)

Leopold: [groans]

Noelle's thoughts: He still has a reserve of magic power.

(Rades begins to walk toward Fugoleon & Noelle.)

Rades: I lack a just heart, do I? Well, I have to tell ya, the way I live my life, my heart's done just right by me. Looks like you'll have to save your preaching for the afterlife, Captain.

???: You fulfilled your purpose here. Take your leave, Rades. Before the other Knights arrive.

(A portal appears beneath Rades.)

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