44 part 2

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A/N: just a disclaimer the beginning of the end is just the beginning of the ending mean this ain't the end to the story yet!

The Beginning of the End: Jimin


Namjoon brings the devastated male into his arms immediately, shock coursing through his veins. Truth be told Jimin's sobs really pierce his heart deep, even Yoongi feels his pain. "Jimin... did something happen at work?"

He hugs his hyung tighter, wanting to disappear at the thought of what he did. "I-I lost her, hyung... It's my fault," he chokes out. Namjoon knows Jimin isn't in the right state of mind right now and decides to sit him down. "Go on, I'm listening."

He lifts his wrist to the side of his face, trying to shield his puffy-eyed embarrassment away. "I was really tired and disoriented. Hyerin came into my office and I thought she w-was Hyojin and I-I..."

He takes in a shaky deep breath, pressing his hands to his forehead in a forlorn attempt to wipe the memory away. "Hyojin walked in on us. I messed up, hyung."

He sees Namjoon's almond eyes shift downwards, understanding the situation now. Yoongi leans against the corridor wall, just as concerned about his brother.

"Hyojin loves you more than anything, Jimin. I see it in her eyes. Remember she loved you even when you didn't love yourself, so if you think you've lost her so easily you should know that's not true," Namjoon pats him on his back, almost trying to squeeze hope into the younger's body.

"But she left without letting me tell her. I saw it in her eyes, hyung. Her determination scares me so much," he helplessly cries. Even if he hadn't meant to, he had still betrayed her trust. He was still the one who hurt her, and he can't live with himself knowing he was the cause of her pain.

Yoongi groans frustrated suddenly, causing the two to look at him in confusion. Yoongi's eyes soften the moment he gets a full view of Jimin's desperate face. "Stop whining so much, Jiminie. Your mind is dwelling in what you've done already, when you should be focusing on what you can do now."

When giving Jimin advice, The angel and devil on his shoulders is an accurate description of what Namjoon and Yoongi are like to him. However, what Jimin likes about Yoongi is that he is raw and honest, never sugarcoating things and always telling him what he needs to hear even if he doesn't want to. Yoongi softens when Jimin's eyes fall to his lap, thinking maybe this time he should be a little less harsh.

"What I'm saying Jiminie? Is that we've been through every girl you've hooked up with, and Chaeyoung last. But what we've never seen in you is light. You had always wallowed in your own dark cloud, but after her, you began to realise rain wasn't the only weather in your life. Hyojin isn't just different from everyone else, she's your remedy when everyone before was a coping mechanism," he speaks softly. Jimin looks at him in sudden realisation, never realising the exact point in time he stopped having dark thoughts about his life after he met her.

Yoongi puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. "We've always been here for you Jiminie, but you've never let us in like this. It's only after you found her that you started cherishing everyone around you, even your own father. Now let me show you what it means when we say we are here for you. If you really cherish your relationship with her go get your girl, Jimin. You won't ever find anyone like her again."

Jimin lets out a suppressed breath, hands beginning to shake. He really does love her so much it hurts, but he's torn between leaving right now and searching to hell and back for Hyojin or to let her have time alone because it's what she wants.

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