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"Hyung, wasnt yesterday your first day at work?" I squint my eyes at him, feeling an overwhelming sense of deja vu. He finishes his convenient store onigiri and tries speaking with his mouth full.

"Are you kidding me, Jimin? Who the fuck works on a Sunday," Namjoon mirrors my confusion, thinking I must be joking around. It's still Monday?

Feeling defeated, I don't dwell on the issue any longer. It's probably just a coincidence. It was all just a really vivid nightmare after all.

"Whatever hyung, have a good first day," I force a small smile on my lips. "Dont break the whiteboard."

Namjoon rolls his eyes and pats my back before walking out the door. I watch him leave before throwing the onigiri wrappers into the trash bin. If today is Monday that means I have a class to teach from 12 to 3pm then I'll be done for the day.

At first, it was the little things like my boss calling me into my office and having the exact same chat about firing me like in my dream, to the same kid dancing and twisting his ankle in the process. It's all too coincidental by now. I definitely am living through this exact day again. But I need to test my theory out. I just can't believe I could have just travelled back in time...


"I'm home!" Namjoon's voice echoes through the walls as expected. Okay, what did I ask him again?

"Oh hyung, how was first day at work?" I ask redundantly, instinctively annoyed I have to repeat myself.

"It was great. The students really listen to my insights. I think I'd like to apply for full-term philosophy professor at the university." Just as predicted, and Yoongi comes out of his studio-den annoyed with Namjoon for the exact same things. "...Now I gotta edit your voice out," He seethes with familiar anger.

I don't listen to their exchange anymore as I already know what happens. I begin to dwell deeper in thought. How can this be possible? Has anyone else ever experienced the same weird events happening all over again?

"Jimin-ah, don't forget what day it is today," Namjoon warns me. Shit, I forgot it again. But I only have one thing on my mind: If I could change how things turned out between me and Chaeyoung, how should I react this time?

I don't bother getting her any gift now that I know what's about to happen. The time on the bus now utilised with possibly better scenarios running through my head.

I'm now walking in on them making out on the couch. I don't feel any anger anymore. I just need to end this right and say what I want to so I can move on with my life without regret. "Chaeyoung, we need to talk," I say, the lack of emotion in my voice very evident.

The guy walks off, leaving me and her in the living room alone. She seems scared, but honestly I couldn't care less. "Jimin-ah, I–"

"I know why you did it, and you are right. You demand a piece of me be given to you and set expectations of me to be there for you. The more I'm with you, the more I emotionally detached from everything I feel, so do both of us a favour and get with that manwhore and leave me behind. I'm sorry for being a waste of time for the past two years. I hope you find someone else to make you happy. We're done now. Please don't talk to me again." I hope you can leave me alone now.

With that, I take my leave and never look back. I take up my dad's call in the bus and make my way back home to change into something comfier. I'm only sitting through the dinner to stall time for what I truly want to do. If this is the sole reason I've been given a second chance, I need to meet her.

The entire dinner I decided to stay silent and focus on finishing the food before me. The only difference, is that this time it tastes awful to me. My father suddenly slams his fist on the table and everyone goes silent. It also made me realise the background noise I was hearing was him trying to speak to me.

"Park Jimin! Did you not hear a word I've been trying to say to you?" He angrily shouts, but I don't flinch.

I sigh deeply. "Believe me, we've been through this already. I just don't have anything to say to you." I answered calmly, a bit too calm for the tense atmosphere.

"Listen, son. You quit that jo–"

"No. We've stopped being family ever since Mom left us so I hardly lose anything from that pathetic threat you've been waving around my face for years. Please give the job to hyung, seeing how much of a suck-up and lowlife he is I'm sure he is more than qualified for it."

I wipe my mouth with a napkin and place it back down. I've finished my meal already, so I don't see any reason I should be here longer. Judging by the extremely quiet environment around me, everyone's very shocked at how well I knew this situation would turn out. It's time to take my leave now.

I start walking off without a word goodbye to any of them at the table, they're not worth anymore of my attention. I'm starting to feel good, but I keep my eye out for 11pm. That's around the time I got to the rooftop. This is it, I'm going to fix this. I will make sure this second chance was not given to me in vain.


After getting off the bus and walking to the apartment, a cold night breeze passes straight through me causing me to shiver. Fuck, it's so cold.

I open the door and hurriedly put down my stuff. I go straight to my room and pull out a long winter coat from my closet. "Oh, Jimin-ah! You just came home and now you're going out again?" Namjoon smiles at me, curiosity laced in his voice. Yoongi shuffles behind him, eyes half-open, wondering what woke him up and why.

"Yeah hyung, I'm meeting someone. It's kinda important," I reply, hurriedly putting on the black puffy coat. This should keep me warm.

"Really, Jimin? So late at night? Are you getting laid?" Yoongi blatantly questions me, Namjoon laughing at his bluntness.

I roll my eyes in response. "No, and no more questions. I'm leaving and I'll be back late," I mumble as I walk out the door.

Here I am again. Walking up the fire escape. My legs are shaking with anticipation this time. I'm terrified if I meet her, I'll remember what I did and won't be able to face up to her. No Jimin, this is the whole reason why you've come back here again. Technically in this reality, I have done nothing endangering her, but because of how things turned out before I want to protect her. Save her from falling this time. Get to know her name.

I reach the top of the stairs and let myself onto the roof, panting from climbing so many flights of stairs. The night city view, it's enchanting. I let myself walk closer to the railing, but this time staying on the safe side of it. I stay there for awhile, watching the cars drive along the long narrow roads. Now that I think of it, roads are just veins running along the heart of the city. The peaceful sounds are interrupted for awhile when I hear the rooftop door close. Slowly, I turn around.

There she was, same almond-shaped brown eyes glistening under the moonlight. Her shoulder-length hair flowing gracefully in the cool night breeze, her pale skin somehow seeming to glow even in the dark of the night.

"Its beautiful, isnt it?" She begins, a bright smile creeping up on her face.

I return the smile effortlessly.

It sure is.

"I'm Park Jimin, what's your name?" I nervously ask, afraid she'll think I'm some sort of creep. Thankfully, her smile widens even further.

"Hyojin. Ki Hyojin."

A/N: End of Jimin POV! Your y/n moment has arrived:) How's the story so far!

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