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A/N: wow i've reached 800 over reads!! thank you that's amazing :D

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1 week later

"Thank you for coming!" I bow respectfully at the leaving customer.

Taehyung is in the kitchen squeezing whip cream on the new matcha cakes while Jimin is out front manning the cashier. I go to the table strewn with used utensils and plates but a hand stops me.

"It's okay, I got it," she smiles.

"Thanks, Imo," I pat her back gently before going back behind the counter.

"You seem happier."

I stop and turn around at her. "Hm?"

"You and Ms Mae. You seem to be opening up to her more."

I smile at the thought of it. Then I remember last week Jimin and I had restarted the day, so my mother-daughter moment never technically happened. My smile falters slightly. In my heart, I'm disappointed she never went through it with me. But at least I know she's sincere and determined to make things right with me.

"Yeah. She's my mother, after all."

Imo hugs me all of a sudden. I'm wide-eyed and frozen on the spot, but her hug radiates safety and comfort. "I'm glad. I was never good with my mother, so I'm happy you're not making the same mistakes as me."

I hug her back slowly, feeling sad she has such regret in her life. "Thank you Imo. You have a new family here, anyways."

She goes into the kitchen soon after, and Taehyung steps out. I laugh at his appearance. "You look stupid, hyung."

He scoffs, a look of exaggerated hurt on his face. "I just came out to say hi, why you gotta attack me like that, my dongsaeng."

Ah, he doesn't know.

I take out my phone and flip it to front camera. As soon as he sees his own face he gasps and quickly wipes off the whip cream on his nose.

Tomorrow Again | PJM ✔️Where stories live. Discover now