44 part 1

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A/N: hi everyone, tomorrow again is coming to an end soon. this is the first story ive ever written, and I'm really surprised it has like 1k reads? like where did yall spawn from let me know! im curious who my wholesome reader family is:3 ive got two new stories in the making but ill only release one after this book has ended. thank you for following through so far! i appreciate every single one of you:)

also this is the first time im ever writing a 3rd person pov im sorry if it sucks hope u enjoy it anyways!!!

The Beginning Of The End: Hyojin


Hyojin sprints into the night streets, letting her feet take her wherever they want to be. People walking by weirdly glance her way, but she really couldn't care less. Everything she ever cared about had just crushed her heart into a million pieces.

Why did he do that? What does Hyerin have that she doesn't? A million thoughts circle her mind, all pointing in the direction of her never being good enough for the man she once thought to be her soulmate. Maybe, she was disillusioned and thought Jimin felt that she was special when really, she'll never be up there.

She uses her forearm to shield as much of her crying image as possible the more she treads on this undiscovered pathway. If only she knew, despite the seemingly endless amount of tears she's shedding, she's easily still the most beautiful girl anyone could ever lay their eyes on. Soon she finds herself short of breath and in need of a quiet place to sit down and nurse her throbbing headache. She spots a bench further up, hidden below the sheltering cavern of a blossoming roadside tree.

Feeling uneasy due to the throbbing pain in her head, she stumbles awkwardly over to take a seat in her newfound safe haven, trying her best not to fall over in the process. She falls backwards with a thud, landing not so smoothly onto the wooden surface. She looks over at her shaking hands warily, rubbing them on her arms in an attempt to keep warm in the winter night. On a deeper level, she's really trying to rub away the pain she's feeling from being stuck in time and replaying the witnessed event of her soulmate with the woman who hates her with a burning passion. Her arms cross over each other, head burying itself into them as she sobs freely into the comfort of her own embrace.

Though the night air is peaceful, an abrupt stop to footsteps can be heard, finally going noticed by Hyojin. she lifts her head up slowly, seeing a pair of black boots stopping in front of her. The person slowly stoops down to her level, trying to look at her with his soft doe-eyes. "Hey..."

She avoids his gaze, looking at the spot on the ground next to his shoes. "P-please don't look at me, it's embarrassing..."

A deep chuckle erupts from his soul, taking Hyojin aback at how this stranger was able to disarm her so easily. "Don't be embarrassed. I just want to ask if you're alright?" He speaks softly, now unsure if he should linger around her any longer for her comfort.

As much as he wanted to walk away and go on with his night, her cries pierced his heart with pain unknown to him, striking him deep even when he doesn't know her.

Hyojin sniffs cutely, her red-stained nose now visible to the male. "Well if I was I wouldn't be here looking like a complete trainwreck, would I?" She laughs a little at his statement, finding it redundant but also seeing the logic behind his question.

He giggles at her reaction, finding a sense of relief that she was able to laugh despite her fragile state. "May I?" He asked the female, gesturing to the seat next to her.

Tomorrow Again | PJM ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن