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"You made quite an entrance back there," she jokes.

It's not like I meant to be dramatic, I'd been running around the whole campus with Hyojin on my back just finding the damn nurse's office.

"Sorry if I scared you," I apologise, referring to when I kicked open the door with a loud bang, panting and heaving as I startled the nurses.

"It's alright. It can be quite hard to locate us since this school is so huge," she tells me. Like I didn't know that.

She then proceeds to stick an IV drip in Hyojin's arm. She looks so peaceful sleeping. Her rosy lips slightly parted as her chest rises and falls in rhythm. Beads of sweat glisten on her forehead, with strands of her chestnut brown hair sticking to them. How can she look so stunning like that?

The nurse goes to her desk and scribbles something down on a piece of paper before returning and handing it to me.

"I looked up her student profile and she's supposed to have a class starting now. This is an excuse slip, could you pass this to the lecturer for her? He should be in lecture hall 5," she tells me. I nod my head in response.

As I walk out of the nurse's office and make my way to the lecture hall, I look at everyone around me. Everyone is so bizarrely dressed and intriguing, it's like a hotspot for interesting people in here. I get flirtatious stares from both guys and girls, all of which I ignore as I don't want to get lost again. Lecture Hall 5... ah here it is.

I slide open the door and everyone turns to me, confused. I get flustered from all the attention now on me, but proceed down the shallow stairs and tell the lecturer Hyojin's situation. He gives me a nod and accepts the slip of paper and carries on with his class. As I'm walking back up I see the same blonde-haired girl from before staring at me from the corner seat suggestively. She winks at me and I don't bother to hide my disgust. I roll my eyes and continue walking out of the hall. She's in the same class as Hyojin... what a nightmare.

I pick up the pace and rush back to her, wanting to be with her again. As I get back I see the nurses have left and it's just me and her alone. Her eyes are still closed...

I sit next to her bed and take her hand in mine. She worried me back there when she suddenly couldn't articulate her words right. What really worries me is what she said just before blacking out. "After trying to help you at the rooftop this is what I get." Could she possibly remember?

I feel her hand move in mine and my eyes shoot to her face to find her eyes slowly fluttering open. "Hey..." I gentle speak, my hands instinctively caressing her face, making sure she's okay. "Jimin? Ow, what the hell," she mumbles, only half-conscious. Her hand was pressed to her forehead, trying to ease the migraine she's having.

"Take it easy. You blacked out on me just now. You should rest," I softly tell her, hoping that stroking her arms would slow down her movements. She sits up slowly and looks around, analysing her situation. Just as she sits upright her nose starts to bleed.

She dips her fingers at her nose and realises it's blood and starts freaking out, looking for a tissue. I spot one near the nurse's desk and quickly pass it to her. She takes two out and presses against her nosebridge.

"Damn, some stranger things shit's going down in my nose," she nasally speaks, causing both of us to break out laughing. The nurse comes back with a big smile on her face as she watches us laugh.

"Good to see you awake, Hyojin!" The nurse happily chides, but stops as soon as she sees the bloodied-up tissue she's pressing to her nose.

"I need to run a few tests on you now, okay? To find out what happened." Hyujin only nods, her smile refusing to leave her lips. Wow.

I stay in the room as the nurse checks up on Hyojin. If she remembers me from that night, I have no idea what to say to her. I shudder of the thought of her getting hurt because of me. I can't live with myself like that again. I wonder if it was a one-time thing for me as well, that I was able to repeat a day. More thoughts swarm my head when I hear the nurse finishing her check up on Hyojin.

"Okay, good! Lastly, what's the last thing you remember before your fainting spell?" She asks. Her eyes instantly find mine, but the emotion displayed in hers tells me all I need to know.

"I was eating lunch at the cafe with him. Everything after that is a blur," she explains truthfully.

The nurse writes her results down on the check-up sheet and turns to both of us. "You're most likely just dehydrated and stressed out. Your migraine may have been from the lack of water your brain had and the nosebleed is self-explanatory. You may go to your dorm room and rest for the rest of the day, he's already submitted your excuse slip to your lecturer." She points her pen at me. "You may go now, rest well Hyojin."

I walk her back to her dorm room. Just walking next to her on the path reminds me of last night. She's so different from everyone I know. So giving, so selfless.

"Are you sure you're okay, Hyojin?" I hesitantly ask her, the desire to hold her in my arms very strong.

"Yes I'm fine, Park Jimin. Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself very well you know," she smirks at me, proud of herself for being so independent. "Besides, I'm sorry..." her eyes now showing regret.

I scrunch my face in confusion. "Why are you saying sorry?"

"I cause you a lot of trouble today. You hardly know me and I'm already such a pain in the ass. I'll take care of myself from now on, don't worry," she speaks from her heart. A small pout becomes evident on her rosy lips. I realise she plays with her fingers when she's nervous or insecure.

I look down at her hands and pull them into mine. She's stunned for a while and looks up at me. 

"You're not a pain in the ass. I shouldn't have been such an ass to you too. We're just a couple of asses hanging out." She laughs at my silly statement. "Plus, I want to get to know you more," I smile softly and hold her hand the whole way to her dorm room.

As we walk on I realise how different she is from Chaeyoung. Whenever she was sick or the slightest bit hurt, she would exaggerate it and demand that I take care of her. With Hyojin it was the complete opposite, and it was a nice feeling. Not having to give myself to someone else when I can't. That doesn't mean I won't take care of her either.

We reach her doorstep and a sinking feeling enters my heart. I should probably leave again...

"Why are you just standing there? Come on in," she beckons at my frozen figure. I look up at her and she's holding the door open for me. I look at her, hopeful.

"Don't you want to stay awhile with me? You know, to make sure I'm okay," she smiles knowingly, that's when I realised.

She can see right through me.

A/N: I'm sorry if this chapter was boring, more exciting ones are coming! The main reason I didn't want to portray Hyojin as a clueless weak person is because I want her to be different, a strong and independent protagonist, not like the conventional victim role:) Don't worry though, we all have a breaking point somewhere;) hint hint

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