15: Zuko

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Azulaan and I were holding hands as we walked around the palace. As we passed Zuko staring up at a painting, Azulaan teased his brother, "It's never too early for a sitting with the court painter, Zuko. Make sure he gets your good side."

Zuko, turned away from his brother, clearly upset with his comment. He turned back as we continued down the hall. "Wait. I need to ask you something. What do you remember about our Great-Grandfather's history?"

Azulaan sighed. "Ah, Zuko. It's so strange how your mind works... Fire Lord Sozin began the war, of course. He spent his early years secretly preparing for it, but he was as patient as he was clever. He famously waited for the comet, later renamed Sozin's comet, and used its power to launch his full-scale invasion of the world. In the end, he died a very old and successful man."

Zuko looked confused. "But how did he die?"

"Didn't you pay any attention in school, Zuko?" I asked as we began walking away. "He died peacefully, in his sleep. He was ancient at the time." Zuko started the otherway.

"What was he asking about that for?" Azulaan asked.

"I don't know..." I looked over my shoulder and he was already gone. "Maybe I should do some snooping..."

Azulaan released my hand and kissed my forehead. "I'll see you later then." I smiled as he walked off. It was time to have another little talk with Alba.


"You wanted to see me?"Alba asked walking up timidly.

"Sit with me, Alba," I said with a smile, patting the ground beside me under the tree next to the turtle duck pond.

She sat down with me, tence. "I... Um..."

"Have some tea," I said pouring myself and her a cup. She timidly picked up the cup. "Calm down," I sipped mine. "It's not poison."

She sipped hers and started to calm down. "So... Why... Why did you call me here, Princess?"

"Is that why you're so tense?" I laughed loudly. "I'm hardly a princess."

"But you're Azulaan's betrothed, aren't you?"

I laughed. "Please, we've never even kissed."

This seemed to relax her a lot. "Oh."

"Don't get me wrong," I said with a smile, "I very much like Azulaan."

"And he certainly likes you," Alba said with a teasing smile. "You two make a cute power couple walking around here together."

I smiled. "That reminds me. When Azulaan and I were walking around earlier Zuko stopped us and asked about his grandfather. Would you happen to know anything about why?"

"No," Alba said. "I thought the Prince knew his family history."

"So did I," I said with a small sigh. "I don't think he found what he wanted to though. He was still searching last I saw."

"Sorry, Reen. I don't know what he's up to or I'd tell you." She smiled with a half laugh. "You'd see right through me if I tried to lie to you anyway."

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