18: An Air Temple

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I took the scroll from the servant, the new gold ring on my finger clinking against the metal pin that secured it closed. "Thank you," I said, waving the girl off.

She bowed before saying, "Congratulations, Princess Reen."

I looked over the back of my chair at the girl for the first time since she'd entered my room. It was Alba. "Alba... Thank you." I twisted at the ring on my finger. I waved her off again with a smile as I opened the scroll.

I turned my chair toward the door so I could look at the map beside my door. War ships were so easy to track.

"Knock knock." Azulaan's voice said as he appeared in the open doorway. "What is my bride-to-be up to?" he approached me with a smile.

"Just directing the search for those fugitives." I smiled as he kissed me and I passed him the scroll. "We've found the war ship they took from us just this morning." I put my feet down.

He reviewed the scroll. "That's rather close to here. Maybe just over day's journey by air ship."

I nodded. "I believe they're at an old air temple in that area."

"Hmm..." Azulaan smiled. "We'll go after him in the morning then." He rolled the scroll up again and set in on my desk. "But tonight..." Azulaan pressed his lips to mine, knocking my chair back onto two legs until it was leaned against the edge of the bed. I bit my lip and smiled. "It's just you and me..."


I took a deep breath of early morning air as the Western air temple came into veiw, the wind blowing my braid back.

"Beutiful, isn't it?" Azulaan asked, setting his hands on my hips from behind. He kissed my kneck as he pressed his body tight to mine.

"Hmm..." I set my hands on his. "I prefer the fire nation palace."

"One day soon," Azulaan said, pulling his arms tighter around me, "it'll all be yours, my queen."

I kissed my betrothed and smiled.

He pulled away and ordered to the crew. "Ready the bombs!"


I stood with my hands behind my back watching the bombs explode and directing the firing of the catapults. I squinted as I saw a figure rise into the air. A bomb was launched and detonated. Thick gray plumes of smoke rose; after a brief moment, Zuko emerged from the smoke cover, unharmed.

He firebent a large blast at me from his hand. I used my hand to stop the fire from burning me. I glared at him as he landed on the temple floor. A podium rose from the floor on my command; Azulaan standing atop it.

Zuko glared at his brother. "What are you doing here?"

Azulaan smiled. "You mean it's not obvious yet? I am about to celebrate becoming an only child!" Azulaan kicked a large blast of flame at his brother.

Zuko dodged and ran backward into the temple. Several blasts were sent his way by Azulaan as I ordered more bombs sent. As they exploded, the temple begins to fall apart.

Zuko ran toward the airships and jumped toward the airship as he sent blasts in Azulaan's direction. He missed the ships and fell through the mist below.

Azulaan jumped down from the platform, landing beside me. "Let's get going. We should be able to find him in the valley."

Suddenly the bison flew through the collapsing temple, covered by a shield of rock in front of its head. Azulaan shot a blast of blue fire at it but  the shield to absorbed the blasts. We both ducked as it flew close to us, making our hair blow in the wind.

"Go after them," Azulaan said to me.

I ran across the ship and jumped onto the open low platform of the attack ship rising into the air.

"Princess Reen," said a soldier beside me. "On your command!"

I nodded and readied my stance to strike. Just as the bison flew toward the ship, I shouted "Fire!" and sent a blast of purple fire at the bison.

The creature dodged the fire blasts as the water bender girl deflected several large whips of fire with her waterbending. The bison rose above the airship, avoiding more fire.

There was a huge explosion below that launched the princes from the airship. Zuko was caught as the bison swooped to catch him but Azulaan was left falling.

"No!" I yelled, dropping my body to the platform and wishing I could do something to catch my prince. "Azulaan!"

Azulaan free feel for a minute before straightening out. He used his firebending to propel himself toward the wall. His long hair whipped around his face as he pulled his hair pin. He dug it into the side of the cliff and skidded to a halt.

I breathed heavily in relief. "Spirits, you're amazing..." I stood up and looked at the soldier beside me. "Have the captain tell air ship 23 to get in close to pick up Azulaan."

"Yes, Princess!" the soldier said before running in to send the message.


"You're amazing, Azulaan..." I said playing with his loose hair as I straddled his lap.

He smiled, his eyes still closed. "Yes, I am."

"Prince Azulaan. Princess Reen." A female guard walked up beside us.

I sighed and glared at her. "What now?"

"Fire Lord Ozia has requested your return to the palace."

"Then turn the air ship back that way," Azulaan said. "Dismissed." The girl left.

"What do you think your father wants?" I asked, playing with his hair again.

"Sozin's comet is only a week away," Azulaan said. "I'm sure he wants us home." He opened his eyes. His golden eyes drew my into a trance as I tangled my hands in his hair. I pressed my lips to his, a warm feeling in my chest.

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