10: The Fire Nation Palace

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When we arrived in the Fire Nation capital city a crowd awaited us. Azulaan and Zuko were ushered onto a balcony while I stood below with other palace servants, many of whom seemed confused that I was still alive.

Lo and Li made the announcements. "Your Prince Azulaan, clever and handsome, disguised himself as the enemy and entered the Earth Kingdom's capital. In Ba Sing Se he found his brother, Zuko, and together, they faced the Avatar. And the Avatar fell, and the Earth Kingdom fell. Azulaan's agents quickly overtook the entire city. They went to Ba Sing Se's Great Walls, and brought them down! The armies of the Fire Nation surged through the wall and swarmed over Ba Sing Se, securing our victory. Now the heroes have returned home. Your second prince, Azulaan! And after three long years, your first prince has returned. Zuko!"

The princes stood beside each other as the crowd cheered.

It wasn't long before we were dismissed from the assembly, the other servants and I went back to the palace.

I received a hug from a girl a little older than me. "Thank you."

I raised an eyebrow at the girl. "I haven't done anything..." Nothing she would know about, anyway.

"You survived," the girl said, tears welling in her eyes. "You're scarred but you're alive which means I don't have to become Azulaan's new servant yet. So thank you."

I looked at my hand. "How'd you know that? I don't see any physical damage?" There was never a cut nor bruise one on my hand. It simply felt colder than the rest of me now that I'd gotten used to it.

"Your back, miss? There's a line of discoloration..." The girl looked at me, tears falling from her eyes as she realized. "You didn't know it was there..."

"My back..." I thought for a second. "It must be from the lightning attack..." I said to myself.

"Lightning?" The girl exclaimed hugging me again. "Thank you so much!"

I pushed her off. "Stop that. I don't know you and Azulaan is waiting for me." I left before she could get another word out.


So he wasn't there?" I heard a guard whisper to the girl who had bombarded me with hugs and tears when we arrived.

"No. It's happened a few times since they arrived..."

I walked closer to the pair, causing the guard to look away from the girl. I smiled at the girl. "How are you liking Prince Zuko?" I asked.

"Oh... Uh..." She glanced at the guard before saying, "it's not bad. Just the regular duties."

"Really? Sounds like a dream job then."

"Heh heh, yep! It's great," she said with a big fake smile.

I pulled her into a side hug. "I'm Reen by the way."

"Alba," she said with a slightly more real smile.

I leaned into her ear and whispered, "You're a bad liar, Alba." I stepped back with a smile. "I'll see you around." I started down the hall toward the training room where Azulaan was practicing.


"Hey Tye Lee," I said, walking up to my cousin who was practicing cartwheels in the court yard.

He back flipped toward me with a smile and wrapped me in a hug. "Reen! You and Azulaan have been so busy lately I feel like haven't see you all week!"

"I know," I said, hugging him. "But work is work." I released him. "I got your gift by the way."

"My gift?"

"The gold bracelet you gave me for my 15th birthday?" I pointed to it on my right wrist. "I figured I only just got it because we were busy in Ba Sing Se."

Tye Lee shook his head. "I didn't get you that."

"Then who..."

Tye Lee gasped. "Maybe it was Azulaan!"

I rolled my eyes. "I doubt the Prince knows my birthday."

"I don't think it was for your birthday," he giggled. "I think Azulaan likes you."

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded, as I felt my face heat up like a sana.

"When he's with you he's kinda different in a way... More red and less purple..." He smiled. "You're different around him too. Usually you're all green and beige but around Azulaan you get this flash of bright red. It's really inspiring to see the chemistry between you two."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, feeling the blush become visible.

"Sure you don't," Tye Lee said. "Here he comes now."

I glared at my cousin at I attempted to cool my face with my right hand. "I'm not falling for that," I growled.

"Reen," Azulaan's voice boomed behind me. "Pack my things. We're going on vacation to Ember Island."

"Yes, Prince Azulaan," I said bowing so he couldn't see my face.

"Tye Lee, you're coming as well," he said before walking off.

"See," Tye Lee smiled as I righted myself. "Red."

I glared at him. "Whatever."

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