13: The Party

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I arrived back to the beach house to find Lo, Li, Zuko, Azula, Mai and Ty Lee all sitting around a table on the balcony outside. I sat between Azulaan and Tye Lee to eat an elaborate meal.

"Where were you?" Azulaan asked.

"I just went on a walk," I said with a smile.

"Ooh," Tye Lee said. "Did you find anything?"

"Just an old rock."

"Why didn't you tell those guys who we were?" Zuko interrupted.

Azulaan shrugged. "I guess I was intrigued. I'm so used to people worshipping us."

"They should," Tye Lee pointed out.

"Yes, I know," Azulaan smiled, "and I love it! But for once, I just wanted to see how people would treat us if they didn't know who we were."

"You might not like it as much as you think, Prince Azulaan," I said.

Li and Lo smiled, "Like waves washing away the footprints on the sand, Ember Island gives everyone a clean slate. Ember Island reveals the true you." The twins both stood up and clapped twice. They then each raised one arm in excitement. "To the party!"


We arrived far too early at a large stilted mansion on the Cliffside of Ember Island. Azulaan knocked on the door.

The door opened to reveal Chen looking displeased. "Um... You're a little early. No one's here yet."

"I heard you telling someone you'd be partying from dusk till dawn." Azulaan looked out at the horizon. "It's dusk so we're here."

Chen looked at us confused. "But that's just an expression."

"We are the perfect party guests. We arrive right on time because we are very punctual." Azulaan maked a chopping motion with his left hand, hitting his right hand as he said 'punctual'.

I sighed. "Just go with it," I said in a half whisper.

Chen shruged and gestured for us to come inside. "All right, listen," Chen said. "My dad's an admiral. He has no idea I'm having this party, so don't mess anything up."

"That's a sharp outfit, Chen..." Azulaan said, "careful, you could puncture the hull of an Empire-Class Fire Nation Battleship, leaving thousands to drown at sea..." Azulaan pointed at her outfit, "because it's so sharp."

"Um..." Chen pointed finger guns less enthusiastically at Azulaan. "Thanks."

Azulaan smiled enthusiastically, but it quickly turned to a frown as Chen walked away.

Ruon Jian was combing his hair in a mirror. He turned with a smile when he saw us walking by. "Hey, first ones here, huh?"

I nodded. This was going to be a long party.

Zuko and Mai were right behind me and clearly neither wanted to be here.


Azulaan and I watched from the food table as Tye Lee was surrounded by a gaggle of girls. Fire Nation girl 1 spoke to number 2, "So how do you know Tye Lee?"

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