19: Phoenix King

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I was nearly on Azulaan's lap as he yelled at the palanquin bearers carrying us. "Come on slowpokes! Faster!"

When we finally arrived, Fire Lord Ozia had already accended the stairs. We rushed to catch him and bowed down on one knee. "Sorry we're late, father. Good palanquin bearers are so hard to come by these days."

"Is everything ready for our departure?" I asked

Ozai didn't turn to us. "There has been a change of plans."

"What?" Azulaan said worriedly.

"I've decided to lead the fleet of airships to Ba Sing Se alone," the fire Lord said. "You will remain here in the Fire Nation."

Azulaan's eyes went wide. "But I thought we were going to do this together."

Ozai looked over his ship. "My decision is final."

"You... you can't treat us like this!" Azulaan stood. "You can't treat us like Zuko!"

"Azulaan, silence yourself," Ozia commanded.

Azulaan stomped his foot. "But it was my idea to burn everything to the ground! I deserve to be by your side!"

Ozai turned to us. "Azulaan!" The Prince bowed his head. "Listen to me. I need you two here to watch over the homeland. It's a very important job that I can only entrust to you."

Azulaan looked up. "Really?"

Ozai smiled. "And for your loyalty, I've decided to declare you the new Fire Lord."

"Fire Lord Azulaan and Fire Lady Reen." Azulaan smiled. "It does seem appropriate... but... what about you?"

"Lord Ozai is no more. Just as the world will be reborn in fire, I shall be reborn as the supreme ruler of the world." Three Fire Sages helped Ozai put on his new royal garments. "From this moment on, I will be known as..." Ozai raised his arms in the air, "the Phoenix King!"

Servants pulled up the phoenix emblem behind Ozai. Soldiers raised the phoenix flags beside the Fire Nation flags. Two more soldiers firebent into the base of the flag pole, causing fire to shoot out at the sides. The crowd bowed before their new king. 


Azulaan was standing in front of a large mirror when I opened his door. "Azulaan? Have you seen Li and Lo? I wanted them to do my..."

"Alright hair," Azulaan said, "it's time to face your doom." Azulaan grabbed the bangs hanging in front of his face and cut them unevenly and aggressively off.

His reflection in the mirror showed him grinning insanely, his hair a mess, but his grin appeared to disappear as he looked at me in the reflection.

"What'd you do to your hair?" I asked in awe. My Prince had always been so proud of his hair.

"What are you doing here?" Azulaan asked.

"I was getting ready for our coronation but no one came to do my hair..."

"Don't pretend to act proud. I know what you really think of me." He looked away from my reflection. "You think I'm a monster."

"What? Azulaan I don't think your a monster..."

Azulaan yelled, "But what choice do I have?!" He turned to me. "Trust is for fools. Fear is the only reliable way. Even you fear me."

I wasn't sure Azulaan could even see me even though he was looking at me. "No, I love you, Azulaan. I don't fear you."

Azulaan's lip quivered as he lowered her head, tears dripping from his eyes. He suddenly turned around and angrily threw the brush at my reflection, shattering his mirror.

I backed away. This was the same person who had shot lightning at me but I was more afraid of him in this moment that ever before.

Side note:
While I was workin' on this chapter, my food was delivered. Thank you to Elli. Doubt she's readin' my book but she's keepin' me from starvin' in quarantine!

 Doubt she's readin' my book but she's keepin' me from starvin' in quarantine!

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