20: Azulaan's Final Agni Kia

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I kneeled beside Azulaan, both in armor under royal robes, as the fire sages stood over us holding the fire royalty head pieces.

The Fire Sages, held the headpieces over our heads. "By decree of Phoenix King Ozai, I now crown you Fire Lady Reen," one put the hairpiece in my top not, "and Fire Lord ..."

The sage suddenly paused and looked up. Azulaan turned his head to face him, annoyed, "What are you waiting for? Do it!"

The sound of a sky bison could be heard. We turned back around to see Appa landing in the courtyard.

"Sorry, but you're not gonna become Fire Lord today," Zuko jumped off Appa. "I am."

Azulaan laughed. "You're hilarious."

Katara jumped off of the bison to stand beside Zuko. "And you're going down."

The Fire Sage was just about to crown Azulaan the new Fire Lord, regardless of what Katara and Zuko have said, until Azulaan signaled with his hand for him to stop. "Wait. You want to be Fire Lord? Fine." He jumped up. "Let's settle this. Just you and me, brother. The showdown that was always meant to be. Agni Kai!"

Zuko seriously said, "You're on."

Katara turned to face Zuko, very surprised.

I grabbed Azulaan's sleeve. "Azulaan, are you sure about this?"

Azulaan ignored me as he smiled at his older brother.


I watched as Zuko stood up and turned around; Azulaan doing the same.

Azulaan's Fire Lord garment slid away. "I'm sorry it has to end this way, brother."

Zuko took his fighting stance. "No you're not."

Azulaan smiled and assumed the most awkward fighting stance I'd ever seen him take. He spun and sent a sudden blast of blue fire toward Zuko. Zuko brought his hands up and jumped forward, bringing his arms down in front of him. He bent a flame in each hand and sent the fire toward Azulaan. A giant wall of fire, blue colliding with red, took form as they showed themselves evenly matched in raw power.

As the wall began to die, Azulaan leapt up on a jet of fire and kicked his legs forward, sending a wave of fire from his feet during each of his three spinning kicks that Zuko dodged. Zuko as he punched a powerful blast of fire toward his brother. The older prince's stream of orange blends with a blast of the younger prince's blue fire.

Zuko continued shooting fire while being pushed back by the blue flames colliding with his. Zuko adjusted his foot and saent a powerful fire blast streaming from his fist. It missed Azulaan and came toward me.

I rolled out of the way in time and the fire fight paused long enough for my boyfriend to look back to where it stood a moment ago with a scared and confused look in his eyes.

Azulaan leapt forward with a blast of fire that he swung at Zuko. Just as he was about to make contact, Zuko thrust his palms outward to create a wall of fire that sliced the blue flame.

Azulaan was crouching on the ground, panting heavily.  A determined look flushed over Azulaan's face.

Zuko punched two large fireballs toward Azulaan, and the fire emerges to create one massive blast. Azulaan dodged the spiraling orange flame using a jets of fire from his feet and hands.

Still using fire jets from his feet, Azulaan charged his brother and thrust his fists forward creating two blue fire blasts.

Zuko quickly defended himself by creating a shield of fire for protection. He tried to attack Azulaan, who was still circling him, but he was too fast. Zuko stopped firing at Azulaan, crouched, and began spinning and kicking immense and powerful flames from his feet.

Azulaan was flying forward when he saw the attack, he tried to stop but it was too late. Azulaan fell and rolled forward onto the ground. Painfully, he picked himself up. His hair had come undone he was extremely angry.

Zuko angrily and somewhat mockingly yelled, "No lightning today? What's the matter?" He quickly assumed a lightning redirection stance. "Afraid I'll redirect it?"

"Oh, I'll show you lightning!" Azulaan waved and moved his fingertips in order to generate lightning, but his stance was irregular and caused his lightning to be off. Suddenly, Azulaan extended his arm to shoot the blast directly at Katara.

Zuko ran, trying to get in between Katara and the lightning. Suddenly, Zuko jumped up. "No!" Zuko extended his finger out in order to redirect it, but failed in doing so, and absorbed it. The lightning was sent up into the air as Zuko, lying on the ground, twitched from the electricity seeping through his body. He rolled onto his back, groaning and holding his wounded chest as a scared Katara ran in Zuko's direction.

"Azulaan!" I ran toward Azulaan, who was hunched over and swaying from side to side. "You won!"

He suddenly started laughing maniacally and ran forward, ignoring me.

Katara rushed to try and help Zuko, but Azulaan launched a fire blast in front of her before she could reach him. He laughed manically and shot lightning which Katara dodged.

Zuko attempted to get back up, but was too weak and could do nothing but watch as Azulaan shoots another lightning bolt at Katara, which she dodged.

Katara turned to watch as Azulaan lands on a roof nearby.

He began charging another lightning attack. "I'd really rather our family physician look after Little Zuzu if you don't mind." Azulaan shot lightning and fire at her from the roof of a building. Katara managed to dodge them all and hid behind a column nearby. "Zuzu, you don't look so good!" He shot at Katara again.

Katara managed to dodge his attacks and moved behind another column. She spotted water nearby and bent it onto the roof, but Azulaan had moved. Azulaan came from behind her on fire jets and Katara was forced to flee. She used the nearby water channel to make ice to slide on as Azulaan chased after her and fired another blast of fire which vaporized it completely.

Azulaan unleashed a large burst of fire, but Katara managed to get away. Katara got off her ice path, but tripped on a grate and sees some water below. She looks up, having landed at my feet. She looked up at me with fear in her eyes.

Without a seconds hesitation I helped her up. "Stop him," I whispered, tears in my eyes at seeing my boy friend have a psychotic break.

Azulaan approached the grates, still apparently unable to see me. "There you are, filthy peasant!"

After a brief glance down, Katara used multiple water whips to force Azulaan onto the grate. Azulaan was about to shoot lightning at her when Katara froze them both with the water under the grate. Katara melted the water around herself and me. I cried as Katara unfroze Azulaan's hands and I chained his hands together and to the grate, using fire bending to weld them in place.

Katara bent the water back into the grate and after catching her breath, she rushed to heal Zuko.

"I knew you'd betray me too," Azulaan snarled.

"It's for your own good, Azulaan." I pulled the hair piece out and my top not fell. "I love you." I threw down the metal trinket and dropped to my knees before him, tears streaming down my cheeks and taking my makeup with it.

Azulaan began hyperventilating in his anger. He screamed and breathed out fire in every direction as he writhered in an attempt to break free, causing me to jump back. Finally he stops and began to cry uncontrollably.

Katara and Zuko watch in horror and pity.  Zuko touched my shoulder lightly, his other hand still on his chest wound. "Reen?"

I looked up at the older prince. "I'm sorry..."

Katara set her hand on my other shoulder. "It's not your fault..."

I dropped to my knees again, NY tears renewed.

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