6: Ba Sing Se

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Having lost the Avatar again we took a gamble at Ba Sing Se. Even if he wasn't there, we'd be able to take it in the name of the Fire Lord and redeem General Iroh's greatest defeat.

The specialty drill made for busting through the walls was impressive. It was a titanic tunneling machine, standing ten stories high and stretching a half mile long. The fire nation tanks flanking it appeared as little more than insignificant children's toys by comparison. The large segments of the drill's body pushed forward under steam power, punching steam driven spikes into the ground, then contracting again to gain forward momentum allowing it to creep foward like a vast black iron dog-caterpillar. The only thing to distract from the smooth design was the tower near the back where we sat at command.

I stood on the left side of the throne with Tye Lee, Mai on the right.

War Minister Qin addressed Prince Azulaan, "This drill is a feat of scientific ingenuity and raw destructive power. Once it tunnels through the wall, our troops will storm their city. The Earth kingdom will finally fall, and you can claim Ba Sing Se in the name of your father. Nothing can stop us."

Tye Lee looked away from a periscope. "Hmm. What about those big muscle-y guys down there?" He looked back into periscope, towards where the earth benders were attempting to defend their city.

War Minister Qin walked up and sharply rapped the periscope, startling Tye Lee. "Please, the drill's metal shell is impervious to any earthbending attack."

Azulaan nodded but condescendingly said, "Oh, I'm sure it is War Minister Qin. But just to be on the safe side... Mai, and Ty Lee, take the earthbenders out!"

Mai, twiddling with her knives, smiled. "Finally, something to do." The two left, leaving me with the Prince and war minister.

"Hmm..." Azulaan said leaning towards me. "What do you think of this drill, Reen?"

"I find it quite impressive. It does appear to be impervious from the outside." I looked at the schematics on the wall once more to refresh the blue prints I'd nearly memorized by now. "A quick study of the schematics, however, shows an international flaw."

"I assure you, there is not!" the minister said, apparently upset that a young girl would find a flaw he over looked.

"And I assure you, war minister," Azulaan said seriously, "my advisor knows what she is talking about."

I couldn't hide the surprise on my face at being referred to as his advisor. It appeared even more surprising to the war minister. He sputtered at the sound of It before the Prince silenced him with a wave of his hand.

"Continue, Reen," Azulaan directed.

"Yes, Prince Azulaan," I said quickly, stepping up to the framed blueprints. "The only flaw in the design is that should the slurry pipes back up, the outer braces could fall from built up pressure." I pointed to the outside layer with my left hand, my right hand clenched in a fist behind my back. "You have no way of knowing if this happens until it's too late."

"On the contrary, Advisor Reen, we have someone there at all times to monitor it." He spit my name as though it was preposterous that a girl my age had any knowledge of construction or strategy. Honestly, what did he think the royal school taught? Balance? Grace? No it's a school for future generals and governers! It's war strategies and diplomacy, with electives in everything from gymnastics to engineering, many of which I took having filled up my days with tons of extra classes so I wasn't home alone while my father was working his 14 hour days as the governor, not to mention what he brought home with him. I was always busy. Jack of all trades but a master of none, only truly acceling far past my peers in gymnastics, and even then Tye Lee was better than me.

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