𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭

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Flynn's POV:

"Again? You mean the Chamber of Secrets has been opened before?", Rapunzel asked Jack as we sat on the bathroom floor. "Of course, Dr Faciler obviously opened it while he was at school here, now he's taught Hans how to do it" I scoffed back. Her brows knitted together as she entered deep thought, "maybe, we'll have to wait for the poly juice potion before we can really find out" she mumbled pouting a small amount of black sand into the cauldron. Jack was wondering around the room with his staff, I'm not too sure why he carried that thing around I never really questioned it. "Tell me Rapunzel" I laughed as she looked up at me, Jack wondered back over and leaned against the stall opposite me. "Why are we brewing this potion in broad daylight in the middle of the girls bathroom? Aren't we gonna get caught or something?" I queried but she just rolled her eyes and scoffed, "no, no one ever comes in here" she smiled as she poured another small vile into the mixture. I sat there puzzled for a moment, she picked up on it and began to explain, "moaning murtle" she sighed. Me and Jack exchanged and awkward look before speaking in unison, "who?".

"ME" someone screamed from behind me,
I jumped practically into Rapunzel's lap and stared at the transparent girl, even Jack has inched away alittle. She flew up into the air and above the sinks looking down on us, "I wouldn't expect you to know me" she whimpered, "who would ever talk about poor miserable moaning murtle?". She let out a little cry before flying straight past us and diving down into a toilet, causing it to splash all over me. Jack was in absolute hysterics as I turned to Rapunzel with a frown, she let out a giggle but quickly clasped her hand over her mouth, "shes alittle sensitive". 

Jack's POV:

I'm in Duelling Club with all of the second years, we're having an emergency meeting since the last petrification. I'm stood around this really long dark blue duelling platform with Merida Hiccup and Rapunzel, Elsa's stood on the other side with Tadashi and Eric much to my dislike. The room was full of murmurs when Gaston walks onto the stage, "Can everybody see me?" He shouts as he throws his jacket into the crowd, the Slytherin girl behind Rapunzel caught it causing her to groan. "In light, of recent events,  Professor Manny has asked me to train you all up! In case you ever need to defend yourselves" he grinned, once again flashing his perfect teeth. A few more girls in the crowd swooned as the boys shook their heads, I could hear a pair of heavy footsteps approaching us. "Let me introduce to you my assistant, Professor Bunnymund", I gasped as Bunny strutted onto the stage, glaring straight at Gaston until they were face to face. Gaston chuckled alittle backing away from Bunny, "don't worry students! I promise you'll still have your precious potions teacher by the time I'm through with him", I could hear Bunny mutter something under his breathe as they turned to eachtother, raised their wands and bowed. They both then returned to their end of the podiums and raised their wands in the air, Gaston began to count as his feet shuffled on the stage "1...2...3!" "Expelliarmus!". A white light flashed out the end of Bunny's wand and within seconds Gaston flew backwards and skidded across the floor. The entire class began to laugh as Gaston propped himself back up. "An excellent idea to show them that, Professor Bunny" he spat as he wandered back towards him. He then scoffed and rolled his eyes abit like Rapunzel does, "but it was pretty obvious that's what you were going to do. And If I wanted to stop you I could've quite easily". Bunny's expression didn't change before speaking, "perhaps we should teach them how to defend themselves first Professor". Gaston turned his back and shook his head, "an excellent idea! Let's have a volunteer", almost every had shot up including mine, but Gaston payed money notices and bent down extending his hand to a Ravenclaw girl. "How about you Elsa" he smiled before pulling her into the stage, I looked at Elsa, her hair was in a bun like always and she wasn't wearing her cloak unlike the rest, just her grey jumper and Ravenclaw tie. I glanced at her wand in her hand, the core of the deepest chipping of ice. The wand was so crystal clear you could probably see it if you looked close, just like you could in mine. He then turned over to us, "Hiccup how about you too!", Hiccup grinned and was about to step onto stage when Bunny stopped him. " I'm not sure if you've seen the state of Haddocks wand but if we let him use it Elsa will be back in the hospital wing before you can count down three two one". A few laughs came from the audience as Hiccup backed down to my side, a slight smirk grew across Bunny's face, " might I suggest someone from my own house? Perhaps... Mr Westergaard".

Elsa's POV:

Great. Out of all the people it could of been it just had to be him, I mean I would've rather had Hiccup and his poor excuse for a wand!Bunny held out his hand and pulled Hans onto stage, he instantly strutted towards me and stopped inches away from my face. I'm quite tall, but he's still taller, he towered over me alittle which didn't bother me, it was the "oohs" that came from the crowd that did. I scrunched my nose in anger as he simply smirked back at me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jack, he was just as angry as I was stood as close to us as he could possibly get. I drew my attention back to Hans emerald green eyes, I have to admit he was quite beautiful, if only it wasn't for his rotten inside. "Scared Elsa" he whispered in my ear with a grin, I practically spat in his face when replying, "you wish". I took out my wand and placed it infront of my face, then drew it to my side and bowed. We turned from eachother and walked to our end of the stage, he took a moment to take off his cloak. I took the opportunity and held my wand in between my teeth, I then unwrapped my hair letting it fall around my waist before hoisting it up into a high pony tail. There were a few whispers around me, I'd never really taken my hair out of the bun so it probably came as quite a surprise to some people. I raised my arm in the air as did Hans, Gaston stepped down from in between us, "remember, disarming spells only!, one... two..." before he could finish Hans flicked his wand and yelled something I couldn't hear. It struck me and I felt my body ring with pain, I flew backwards and slammed against the wall, the floor around me slowly began to frost over and people gasped. I quickly clambered to my feet and flicked my wand, Hans looked shocked as I screamed, "RICTOSEMPRA!". He flew backwards just like me spinning through the air, he landed on his stomach and let out a groan and the room burst into laughter. I smiled at myself as Bunny grabbed his collar and pulled him to his feet, "EXPELLIARMUS!". My wand flew out of my hand and rolled into the crowd as I tumbled to the floor once again, Hans kept sending curses my way before I had even got to my feet. Bunny was just stood with a blank expression and Gaston was too cowardly to step in. THATS IT. I pulled myself to my feet and got hit by the last curse that Westergaard sent my way. Before I knew it I was on the floor again, this time a sharp pain in my heart, I'm not quite sure what he did, but it hurt, a lot. The room was full of laughter, the only mutual faces I saw were Jack and my friends, his face was almost as red as Meridas, I didn't want them to get involved so I jumped to my feet. I still had no idea where my wand was, but I didn't care, I'm not loosing to him, not again. I reached my hands into the air and shot a stream of blue out my palms, I froze his feet to the bottom of the stage before sending another blast into his chest knocking him over. Everyone gasped and backed away from the stage and towards the walls, including all my friends, and Jack. I was about to walk away when Hans shot out one final spell, a snake appeared in front of me, hissing as it slithered towards me. I began to speak to the snake, my name is Elsa, I'm not here to hurt you. The snake cocked it's head at me and began to slither away towards the crowd, it seemed to target a very short brunette Gryffindor boy. It looked like it was about to strike, I quickly began to shout at it, don't! Don't hurt him! Please. The snake turned to face me as Bunny ran up behind it, "VIPERA EVANESCA". The snake quickly began to burn up from either end before disappearing completely. "What kind of monster are you?" The Gryffindor boy whimpered at me, I began to back away slowly, every set of eyes in the room on me. I could see Bunny cocking his head to the side, his eyes wide, maybe in panic, or fascination. As I stepped towards the crowd everyone backed away, everyone except one. Jack. That's when it hit me, i just revealed that I'm an elemental . A voice began to ring in my head, THEYRE SCARED OF YOU ELSA, YOU COULD KILL THEM ALL WITH ONE WAVE OF YOUR WRIST.

I did what any panicked person would do, I bent down, picked up my wand, and ran.

𝐄𝐋𝐒𝐀 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang