New Developments

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 Cementoss used his quirk to split the gym in two by putting a pillar of cement through the middle. Ectoplasm then sent five clones to each side. Wendy was directed to the left side while Lucy went to the right. Carla stayed at the front as she focused on summoning her wings or changing into a human.

"Do you two know how to use your quirks?" Nezu asked from the viewing area up in the front.

"I think so." Lucy vaguely replied as she stared at her arms, " As long as it is like my magic that is."

"Yup!" Wendy chirped from her side.

Sucking in the air, Wendy prepared to do her dragon roar attack while Lucy concentrated on her arms. Ready, Wendy yelled 'sky dragon roar' before a gust of wind rocketed towards Ectoplasm's clone, though it was much weaker and smaller than her usual attack. Said clone got pushed back a few feet by the strong gust of wind. Overthrilled with being able to still use her quirk like her magic, Wendy jumped up and down excitedly. Pumped she decided to try a wing attack, as expected it was weaker but it still scratched up the clone a bit. Meanwhile, the teachers watched the enthusiastic mage successfully use her quirk and a pretty strong one at that.

"I never imagined that such a sweet little girl could be so strong," Cementoss commented, a little pale.

"It is a good thing we found them first." Nezu replied with a huge grin on his face as he drank his tea, "Or else she would have been a powerful and dangerous villain."

Aizawa shook his head: "They are far too kind to become a villain."

"Yes, but you of all people should know, villains, don't take no for an answer."

Instead of answering the mystery animal principal, Aizawa turned his attention to Lucy who was still staring at her wrists, deep in thought. After a few more practice attacks from Wendy on the other side of the wall, Lucy took action.

A little awkwardly Lucy held out her wrist and twisted it as she would with her keys, she called out: "Open! Gate of the water bearer, Aquarius!"

The familiar bell noise sounded as a bright light appeared in front of Lucy. Once the light died down Lucy was able to see her beloved friend floating there looking extremely irked.

"Aquarius..."Lucy whispered as she took a shaky step towards her once lost friend.

Before the celestial mage could get far she collapsed to the ground in a coughing fit. When she calmed a little, Lucy looked up at the stunned Aquarius with a drizzle of blood in the corner of her mouth. The surprise quickly wore off as anger set in.

"You idiotic annoying child!!!" She screamed, anger hiding her worry, "You can't summon me right now or it will kill you!!"

Tears welled up in the blonde mage's eyes as she said: "It worked, I can summon you now."

Weak from the backlash, Lucy collapsed to the ground.

"Don't you dare pass out on me you brat! You need to send me back!! Now!"

Another coughing fit stopped Lucy from saying anything else. Soon Recovery Girl and Aizawa were at Lucy's side.

"What is wrong with her?" Aizawa growled as he glared at an annoyed Aquarius.

"The brat can't summon me right now and the backlash is killing her." The furious mermaid reluctantly answered, not liking the way Aizawa was talking to her but knowing if she argued it would waste time for Lucy, "She needs to send me back right now."

Gently Aizawa lifted Lucy upright so she could breathe without blood blocking her airway. Hoarsely Lucy commanded Aquarius back to the spirit world before another coughing fit could set in. Weak from the drain and backlash Lucy slumped in Aizawa's arms and passed out.

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