Glorified Band-Aid Realizes Her Reality

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The doctors at the hospital restated Wendy's claims that she was uninjured, allowing her to leave with Ryukyu after giving her report to the police. They were all glad to hear she had mostly listened to Ryukyu and only used her healing quirk as instructed, excusing the usage of the dragon roar and wing attack since it never hit Stain. Permitted to leave Wendy was able to finish the rest of her internship with no mishaps. Her biggest challenge that week was the multiple phone calls she got from Nemuri, Hizashi, Lucy, Aizawa, and Carla making sure she was safe.

School with her classmates was just as crazy with questions when she got back. A few of them had heard how she helped heal people during the attack on Hosu and spread it to the others. 

"Did you see the vigilante Stain or heal anyone hurt by him?!" Mina asked her, causing the others to gather around.

Off in their seats, the three boys who fought him were tense. Having been told Endeavor would receive credit Wendy was prepared to answer.

"Yeah, I was able to help heal a hero hurt by Stain. Luckily he will be just fine," Wendy replied sticking to a small portion of the truth. 

That seemed to satisfy her classmates as they all began to talk about their experiences. Lucy was happily talking with some of the other girls about her time modeling. Storming in angrily was the class's explosive blonde with his hair slicked down. Kirishima and Denki were the first and brave enough ones to laugh at his new hairstyle. 

"Shut the F**** up! I couldn't do anything about it with that redhead lady waiting to cut my head off with her sword every time I tried to resist!"  Bakugo yelled, explosions crackling as he reached his limit.

When his hair seemed to explode back into place the class burst out laughing, not caring about the screaming Bakugo.

"What kind of person could get you to listen Kat?" Lucy asked through her giggles.

Bakugo calmed down greatly as he thought of the terrifying women, going a little pale.

 "Her hero name was Titania. She was a new hero in training under best jeanist along with her partner Tundra." Bakugo pulled a slip of paper out of his pocket, a red and blue fairy tail insignia was printed on it, "After asking me some questions about you, she told me to give this to one of you." 

Scrambling out of their seats, Lucy had snatched the piece of paper out of Bakugo's hand ignoring his irritation. Wendy anxiously looked over her shoulder. Before they could unseal the paper to read it Aizawa walked in, immediately narrowing in on Lucy and Wendy who were looking sheepish as they held the note.

"Are you going to tell me what that is?" Aizawa asked after a few moments of silence. 

Glancing at each other Lucy held it up so Aizawa could see the fairy on the note. The whole class was unusually quiet as they waited for Aizawa to say or do something. Sighing Aizawa motioned for the girls to follow him, telling the class Yamada or Nemuri would be there soon. When they tried to protest and ask what the note was all about Aizawa silenced them with a glare. 

In Nezu's office, they sat around the table looking at the note that sat on the table still sealed. Carla had joined them after coming back from getting some tea. Aizawa looked troubled as he glared holes into the paper. Nezu looked downright pleased with the situation like he had just gotten a fun present, which set Aizawa more on edge. The girls from Earthland were antsy as they eagerly waited for the paper to be opened. 

"It could be a trap," Aizawa said, not taking his eyes off the paper, "Or it could be fake." 

"Why would villains be working under Best Jeanist? He is the fourth-ranked hero for a reason," Nezu countered, calmly sipping his tea.

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