The Single Braincell to the Rescue

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"Today we are going to be talking about your internships," Aizawa announced at the start of class after the sports festival. On the board were everyone's names with a number by it, "These are the hero agencies that requested for you to intern with them. If you don't have one you will still be able to choose a place to intern from a list I will be handing out. If you have a different agency in mind that isn't on the list, talk to one of the other teachers."

On the board, Aizawa wrote down the list of students who got offers from highest to lowest. At the top just above Todoroki with 4,141 offers was Wendy. Lucy wasn't as high as Wendy but she was pleased to see she was near the top with 2,664 offers, placing her just below Bakugo. Before the class could get too rowdy with the results Aizawa silenced them with a glare.

"Before you can go to your internships you will need a hero name." Aizawa informed the class, looking more exhausted and annoyed as the students started to get excited, "But I won't be supervising this, for certain reasons... The name you choose today could stick with you as a pro hero."

Lucy couldn't help but chuckle at the embarrassed far-off look Aizawa got as he talked. Early on Carla had questioned his reasoning behind his hero name. They found out that little Aizawa didn't care for a name so Yamada took up the honor of choosing him one.

The door to the classroom burst open as Nemuri made her dramatic entrance: "That is why I will be helping you guys choose a hero name. Make sure they are suitable for future heroes."

Chaos erupted in the classroom as everyone brainstormed names. Beside Wendy, Midoriya was mumbling to himself with intense focus so Wendy decided to leave him be, opting to sit in an empty seat near Lucy and Todoroki.

"What are you guys doing for your name?" Wendy asked, struggling to be heard over the noise.

"I was thinking something that sounds like my quirk," Lucy said her brow scrunched as she thought, behind her Todoroki was staring in front of him intently.

"Todoroki?" Wendy asked tentatively, gently tapping his desk

Head snapping up Todoroki's eyes focused on her a puzzled look on his normally stoic face, so Wendy repeated her question: "What are you choosing for your hero name?"


His matter-a-fact tone threw Lucy and Wendy off as they stared at him blankly.

"My name will be Shoto," He repeated as if they didn't hear him.

"Uhh...Todoroki?" Lucy asked, sharing a confused glance with Wendy, "Isn't your name Shoto?"


This time Wendy spoke up: "And you want your hero name to be your first name?"

"Yes. Should I not?" Todoroki asked, looking just as confused as they did.

Holding in a laugh Lucy shook her head as she cracked a smile. Wendy just smiled softly as she reassured her friend that it was ok. They started to talk about other things like a mall trip, after some time the conversation wandered to the best way to disarm an opponent with a weapon.

Todoroki spoke up for the first time during the conversation as he asked: "What are you using for your hero name Wendy?"

"Oh! I am just going to use the nickname given to me by my old guild." Wendy chirped happily, that was until she saw the horror on Lucy's face and she realized exactly what she said, "I mean by my friends and family. I just call them a guild because we are so close and all...."

Lucy cut off Wendys rambling, diverting the attention away from her: "Celestia, that will be my hero name."

She had wanted to keep it a surprise until she announced it to the class but Wendy was digging herself a deep hole the more she talked.

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