We all go Down Together!.....or Not

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During the morning announcement from Aizawa about the upcoming final exams, the fairy tail girls' minds were elsewhere after getting news that Nezu was going to contact Beast Jeanist. Lucy was the first to get pulled out of her daze by Kaminari who is worried about not studying enough. 

"What am I going to do!? I haven't had enough time to study with all the villain attacks and battles!!"

Lucy winces in sympathy at Midoriya's and Todoroki's unhelpful encouragement to try harder. 

Kaminari looks around at everyone before seeing Lucy, "Lucy your smart!! Please help me, I don't want to fail!!!"

"I'm sorry Kaminari, I am going to have my hands full dealing with the training dad will have me and Wendy do. I won't have enough time to help you study anything unless you want to be up till three with me?" 

"I could help you. If you want," Momo offered just as Kaminari's despair was reaching its peak.

Lucy turned back to the front to see Midoriya had turned in his seat to face her, looking nervous, "Do you...huh... do you have to stay up till three studying?"

"No, not really, I usually don't have to spend that long on schoolwork, but I have a feeling Kaminari will need more help than an hour of free time. Not everyone can learn things quickly."

Midoriya nodded as he turned back around in his seat. The rest of the period was filled with students discussing their plans to prepare for the final exam, with Momo leading a study group. Lunch came around at snail's pace for the girls, every second closer to seeing their friends again seemed to take years, but they were soon caught up in the excited bubble of their friends as they made their way to lunch. 

While eating Midoriya leads a conversation on the possible exams they might have to do. Occasionally  Lucy shares her ideas but she is as in the dark about it like them. Wendy listens quietly to all their ideas, her mind still in another place, but some crazy ideas get her to laugh softly. She doesn't think Aizawa would agree to dress up as their worst fear to scare them for the exam, but it is a funny image nonetheless Near the end of their meal the class president from class 1-B comes up to their table.

"I heard from some of the upperclassmen that the exams will be us fighting the robots from the entrance exam." Lucy and Wendy shared a confused glance, from what they heard from the big three were that upperclassmen weren't supposed to tell the first years stuff like that, something about it being similar to cheating, " Just thought I should let you guys know since class 1-B knows. Wouldn't be fair."

The last sentence seemed to be aimed at the grumpy blond boy behind her that likes to mock their class. From the look on Lucy's face, Wendy could tell she remembered him from the sports festival and didn't like him from what she's seen. Smiling kindly Wendy thanked the girl which prompted others to do so as well. 

"I'm not convinced it will be robots, dad wouldn't do something so easy," Lucy said after a moment of silence.

Wendy nodded in agreement, Aizawa already knew they could beat robots, it would be a waste of time in his opinion to do the same thing, but the other looked confused.  

"What do you mean Lucy?"Sero asked everyone seems to be thinking the same thing as him, "An upperclassman told them so it's got to be true."

"But we had to fight robots to get into the school, why would we be fighting them for the exam? It doesn't make sense. I'm not saying the upperclassmen who told them are lying but I don't think they know what dad will do," Lucy said, but the others didn't seem very convinced, Wendy guessed they were holding onto the robot idea since it would be easiest.

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