Whats a Dadzawa?

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"Now why not? They seem like lovely girls, "

"That's, not the problem, " came his defiant reply.

"Then what is the problem?"

He felt like Nezu was backing him into a corner so he decided to play the too expensive and busy card.

"I work almost all night so I sleep most of the day and an underground hero doesn't get paid as much as others."

An evil glint shined in Nezu's eyes as he sipped his tea which practically came out of nowhere.

"For your money issue, you forgot you are a teacher here and if that isn't enough then I can raise your pay. I think you have some friends who would be happy to help watch over them while you are working at night. They live right next to you don't they?"

Knowing he can't win against Principal Nezu, Eraserhead gave in albeit reluctantly: " Fine! I will do it!"

A content expression came across Nezu features. Greatly satisfied Nezu walked over to the conscious teen and exceed with, a more than usual exhausted Aizawa on his heels.

"Girls, Eraserhead will be your very own Dadzawa, " he informed Wendy and Carla.

"Dadzawa?" Carla asked confused and skeptical as she eyed the principal wearily.

Eraserhead gave an exasperated sight while rubbing his eyes, irritated.

"He means I will be your pro hero guardian, " Eraserhead explained with a straight face which was expertly hiding his dislike with how things turned out, " My hero name is Eraserhead but my real name is Aizawa Shouta."

Carla looked Aizawa up and down for a moment before she nodded in approval.

"Now that the young ladies have a place to stay I need to find out what is wrong with the girl who is unconscious, so shoo!" Recovery Girl announced, ushering out everyone but Wendy and Carla who she needed to ask a few questions, "Alright now that they are gone could you tell me if she has ever hit her head hard before?"

Wendy and Carla glanced at each other unsure. Then Wendy started counting on her fingers all the time she has had to heal a head injury for Lucy. Recovery Girl stopped Wendy after she got past both hands. Pulling out a clipboard Recovery Girl started to write down information while asking Wendy medical questions

"Any traumatic experiences?"

Wendy started counting again but Recovery Girl just Let her know she could answer yes or no.

"Any serious or close to fatal injuries?"


"Has she been unconscious before?"


Besides the questions, all that could be heard was the scratching of pen on paper. When the questioning was done Recovery Girl sighed as she adjusted her glasses.

"Well there are many reasons why she is unconscious but I can't narrow it done enough to do any sort of treatment," She informed the two, then Recovery Girl remembered a question she forgot to ask, "What is her quirk or magic, as you call it?"

"Lucy is a celestial mage!" Wendy replied, happy to get away from the depressing thoughts of all the stuff they have been through.

"What is that?"

Carla took over from there: "A celestial mages use keys to summon spirits from another world to help them. They are also able to use the power of the spirit like their own with a star dress."

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