The Fruits of Our Labor

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Before the sun could even think to start peaking over the horizon, Aizawa had to wake up to prepare for the sports festival. Which unfortunately meant having to wake up the girls as well. Begrudgingly he walked down the hallway and opened the girl's door, turning on the light to the room. On the lower bunk, Lucy groaned as the light woke her up. Her thin arm waved up and down as she said off.

"I'm sorry but you need to get up Lucy, it's the sports festival." Aizawa almost chuckled at the sleepy glare he got from her, "If you don't want Nemuri to come in here and drag you to the sports festival herself I suggest getting up."

That was the magic word, hurriedly Lucy climbed out of bed. Hair a bird's nest on top of her head as she sat on the floor looking half dead. The light woke Wendy up slower but she soon looked over the edge of her bed yawning. Pitying Lucy, Aizawa grabbed a brush from the vanity he got to work brushing Lucy's golden locks. but her hair was too long so Aizawa had to move Lucy to the stool so he could get her ends properly.

"Do you want to cut your hair? It might get in the way of your fighting if it gets too long." Aizawa asked but Lucy just shook her head, "Ok, do you want it braided for today then?"

"Mhm, I want it braided into a ponytail," Her eyes were half-closed as she spoke.

"One or two braids?"

Lucy held up three fingers then quickly switched it to two. As Aizawa braided Lucy's hair, Wendy climbed down from the bed and got her clothes so she could change in the bathroom. Carla was the most awake out of all of them, dressed and ready for the day after Wendy helped brush her fur. Once he was done Lucy switched with Wendy, getting dressed as her hair was brushed pulled into double pigtails. Nemuri walked in to tell them that it was time to go and by then Aizawa had finished up with the girl's hair. More lively they followed Nemuri to the kitchen where they grabbed some food to go. Soon everyone was piled into the car, Nemuri and Aizawa sat in the front while the girls dozed in the back. The sun finally raised over the horizon by the time they arrived at school, the only people there were workers setting things up. Not only did they have to be there at the crack of dawn but their help was needed to prepare things for the festival. Lucy was put in charge of signing booths in and leading them to their spot after Wendy checked their supplies. Luckily the worst they encountered was a poor man who forgot to reserve a spot, was able to get in, and people who did not listen to no.

Groaning Lucy slumped in her seat after the last creep left to set up their stall, "Ugh! Why do we have to do this? We are also in the stupid festival so we should be at least resting!"

Lucy pet her spirits Eos and Izar the hunting hounds. They were black whispy-looking dogs with stars scattered across their backs. Getting feed up with the cretins she summoned them for some protection, whenever anyone tried to get too close they would use their powers to create a shield between Lucy, growling until the creep hurried along. She also had Eos watch over Wendy after someone tried to pull something with her while she checked their things.

"It's not all bad, Eos and Izar seem happy to help," And she was right, like any dog their tongues were out as their tails swept across to ground.

Taking comfort in her spirits Lucy nodded petting both of them affectionately. After the last person left, to Lucy's relief was a sweet little old lady with her equally adorable husband, Nemuri picked up the girls. Lucy took her chance to rant to Nemuri about the slimeballs when she was asked why Eos and Izar were here. Equally infuriated Nemuri promised they will get what they deserve, Lucy was confused about what she meant by that but didn't ponder on it for long. Aizawa was just ahead of them talking with someone, when he was done Lucy jogged up to him and gave him a much-needed hug, Wendy joining in.

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