Shopping Time!

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Morning light streams in through the window, shining directly on Lucy's sleeping face. She rolled over and pulled the blanket over her head while groaning in annoyance.

"Uhg...Natsuuuu!! You left the curtains open," She whined into the pillow.

"Why would this Natsu be in your home in the morning?" a gruff voice asked from above.

Shooting up from the bed and looking around with blurry eyes, Lucy saw the blurred form of Aizawa standing there.

Blinking the blurriness out of her eyes as she chuckled nervously: "Well you see, he likes to sneak into my home throw the window sometimes at night while I am sleeping."

As she spoke Lucy realized how shady it made Natsu sound.

"But he doesn't do anything!! He just sleeps in my bed!"

Lucy paled as she processed what she had just said.

Aizawa raised his eyebrow at her, looking unamused. A small bubble of anger towards Natsu formed in Aizawa as his overprotective side took over.

Sighing at herself, Lucy calmed down so she could explain properly: "He is just dense and childish. He just likes how soft my bed is so he sleeps in it with me, he doesn't even realize how creepy it can look to others. I tried to kick him out for a while but gave up after some time."

As she explained a tender smile formed on her face, her whole demeanor seemed to brighten as she talked about Natsu in a loving tone. The anger seemed to disappear all at once when he saw Lucy's face.

"Don't worry. We will find your friends," Aizawa comforted as he placed his hand on the top of Lucy's head.

A brief flash of surprise crossed her face before Lucy smiled: "Thank you!"

"No problem, now let's go get some food."

Aizawa gently ruffled Lucy's hair before walking out of the room. Lucy was momentarily stunned from surprise, she was not used to receiving affection from parental figures. Sure there is gramps but he never showed affection like that, at least not very often. Soon enough she snapped out of the dazed state and hopped out of bed. Before she left the room, something on the usually empty stack of boxes caught her attention. Turning to see what was there. Lucy saw a blue brush with cat paws designs laying there. She giggled at the design as she walked over to the brush and picked it up. Out of habit Lucy looked for a mirror in the room but was disappointed to find none, so she made her way to the bathroom. Now with a mirror in front of her, Lucy could see just how much she had de-aged. The baby fat had come back to her face, and she was a lot shorter, though strangely enough, her hair had stayed the same length so it reached her thighs. Her body build was very similar to Wendy's.

Noticing she was falling into a depressed state at the loss of her adult body, Lucy got to work on her hair. After some time debating, she settled on a high side ponytail, it would be the best way to keep her hair out of the way when they shopped. Happy, Lucy skipped out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. On the table was a plate of omelets set out for her. Aizawa, Wendy, and Carla had already started eating. Grinning as she sat down Lucy gave her thanks for the food before digging in.

"Umm...Aizawa sir?" Wendy asked after she had finished her food.

Looking up at Wendy, with his food raised partway he said: "Hmm?"

"Yesterday you told us you would show us what the internet is but we never got the chance, so I was wondering if umm...maybe you could show us today?"

Aizawa nodded as he reached for something in his pocket and pulled out a thin little black box.

"This is called a phone, it is a device that allows you to call or talk to others who are far away."

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