The Press and an Intruder Equal Jumping out Windows

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Early update!! I will be gone camping from Thursday till Saturday so I am post this today instead of posting late.

Even from a distance, they could easily tell that the mob in front of the school was the press. Sadly this wasn't the first time the pack of headless chickens looking for scraps showed up in front of the gates like this. Carla shook her head disappointedly, the same thing had happened when it got leaked she had become Nezu's assistant, she had thought she had given them a good enough tongue lashing last time but it seems they never learn.

"At least the press didn't come in swarms in Earthland, one annoying person was enough," Lucy sighed as she looked on at the crowd with displeasure.

Wendy was nodding in agreement. The last time they had cornered her until she was saved by Carla, traumatizing the poor girl. Putting himself in between the girls and the mob as they got closer Aizawa broke up the crowd. Saving poor students as he made his way to the gate. Soon he was like a mama duck with his duckling close behind with all the students being rescued. Ignoring their protest Aizawa called them out for harassing students as the children filed past him into the safety of the school grounds. Once everyone was safe Aizawa turned his back on the press, ignoring their questions, and went past the gate. A young woman tried to follow after Aizawa angry at being ignored, Carla guessed she was a new reporter by how she ignored the other's warning and tried to enter the school grounds. Alarms triggered, thick metal doors slammed shut in her face. Smirking smugly, Aizawa shooed away the other students back to their class, walking past his students who quietly followed after him as he entered the building.

There was a buzz in the class from the press at the entrance. A majority of the class had never seen the press like that before. Classes continued like normal with nothing interesting to catch their attention, that was until Aizawa came up to the podium with an announcement.

"Before class is over you guys need to pick a class representative. I don't care how you do it as long as you are done in time," Finished talking Aizawa went over to a corner and laid down giving them one last threatening look, warning them not to disturb him.

Wendy winced when the class exploded into chaos as everyone shouted to be picked. She ears had become unaccustomed to loud noises like this after living with Aizawa, even Yamada takes care not to be too loud after he accidentally made her ears bleed. Not caring too much about getting picked Lucy quietly summoned Mehri and asked him for a favor. Happy to help he quickly agreed to Lucy's request. Unnoticed by the other students he changed into his human form and sneaked over to Wendy's seat. Being one of the few people he liked, Mehri agreed to help Wendy by putting his paws over her ears. They had found out on accident that his fluffy paws did a great job at blocking out sounds. He was able to look almost completely human besides his lion ears and tail, to having lions like hands and feet. Ears feeling better Wendy let Mehri change back into a lion so she could carry him back over to Lucy, the chatter of who wanted to be class president still going on.

"Who do you want to be class president, Lucy?" Wendy asked as she handed off Mehri.

"I'm not sure." Lucy admitted, stroking the lion cub as she looked around the crazy class, "I don't know everyone so my opinion might be biased."

"You are right, but still I want to vote for Momo or Ida. The problem is I can't decide."

Lucy mulled over Wendys dilemma as Ida shouted for order and suggested a solution, "How about....we both vote for one? That way we aren't favoring a friend."

"Ok and we can have Mehri choose which one we vote for." Wendy suggested, at the mention of his name Mehri looked up eyes blinking lazily, "Mehri, Momo, or Ida?"

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