Friends Can Come in Many Ways, Even on Accident

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A little before the announcement Wendy had been pulled away from Lucy. Lost in the crowd of students. She turned while desperately looking for someone she knew. Her only break was when Nemuri walked onto the stage and explained the next task. After that random people would ask her to join their team but she was so confused that she wasn't able to respond properly or even understand them. Panic began to set in until someone grabbed her, shocking her out of her state. Spinning she came face to face with the tired-looking boy from the time in front of the class. He looked more tired if that was even possible, purple hair sticking up in every direction.

"Hey," was all he said but he looked completely calm and composed, almost calculated.

"Hi, do y-" Wendy's eyes hazed over as her body went slack, lulling her into a tranquil state.

"Join my team."

Just as Wendy was about to respond yes, a shock went through her system. When the haze tried to seize control of her core, it fought back. Her magic core released some magic that flooded through her body, clearing the haze from her mind. A small breeze came from Wendy ruffling the boy's messy hair. It was like she was breathing fresh air for the first time.

Blinking she looked around to regain her bearings, "Huh? Oh, sorry I don't know what happened, what did you say?"

"Huh, join...join my team?" All composure vanished as stared at Wendy gobstruck, he had never encountered anyone who could easily break free of his mind control.

"Oh! Sure, thank you for choosing me! I'm sorry I forgot to tell you my name, I'm Aizawa marvel Wendy but you can just call me Wendy." She smiled kindly as she held out her hand, "If you don't mind, what's your name?"

"Me? I'm...I'm Shinso Hitoshi. You really want to join my team, even after I...I umm..made...uhh...did that?" His lofty attitude dissipated as he was fidgety as if one wrong move would make her blow up.

Wendy was confused by his sudden change in attitude but she smiled warmly and nodded, "Of course, I don't know what you are talking about but I would love to be on your team!"

Some composure seemed to come back as he cleared his throat and nodded, face going unreadable again.

"Just don't...don't make me regret asking," he said turning his back to lead her somewhere.

"I will try not to," Wendy promised beaming at him even though he couldn't see her.

He leads her two the back of the group where two people were waiting motionless. Getting closer she couldn't recognize one of the students but she did recognize Ojiro. Waving she jogged up to her classmate.

"Hi, Ojiro! Looks like we will be teammate! Let's try our best!" She said bubbly, relieved to see someone she knew, but when he didn't respond she furrowed her brows in worry, "Ojiro?"

Wendy tried to reach out her hand to touch him but Shinso stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

"He had been like that scene the race, don't worry about him, he will help just fine," Shinso tried to calm her worries but Wendy couldn't help but want to see if she needed to heal him.

"I have a healing quirk, maybe I should just check him real quick."

She tried to touch Ojiro again with her glowing hand but Shinso stopped her yet again looking frantic, "Don't worry about it. Besides if you use your quirk and get too tired over nothing you will be a liability during the fight."

As Wendy pondered Shinso's words, she heard the familiar bell sound of Lucy summoning, giving in she nodded. After a glance, Wendy saw a crowd gather around Corvid.

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