Friends for the Win

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For training Aizawa decided to use it as a chance to get back at Lucy for the stunt she pulled during class. The first time in a few months they got a surprise mission. This time Lucy had to summon Coy the chameleon spirit and have him turn Wendy and Aizawa invisible with his staff. While she kept Coy's magic going Lucy was forced to dodge their attacks. Once she was ready to just about drop from exhaustion she switched out with Wendy. They repeated this pattern till Lucy was unable to support Coy any longer. Exhausted both heroes in training trudged back home, looking like walking zombies as they eat and got ready for bed.

In the morning they weren't much better physically. It had been a while since Aizawa pushed them this hard so their body was left achy and sore. Being petty Lucy broke one of the rules of the prank war and messed with Aizawa's coffee, putting salt in it while he cooked breakfast. His reaction was priceless, Lucy couldn't help but laugh when he spit out the salty drink, face scrunched up in disgust. Leaving Aizawa grumpy from his lack of morning caffeine as they rushed out the door to school. Sensing Aizawa's mood the whole class was dead silent as he talked. The rest of the day was uneventful since it was normal lessons and a yummy lunch by one of Lucy's favorite school staff, well it was normal until someone burst through the doors yelling about coming through the door like a normal person. In Lucy's opinion announcing your arrival like that was not normal, but the other students didn't seem to care. Seeing everyone's excitement Lucy took a double-take of the man. She soon realized that it was the man who told her she passed. He was wearing a tight suit that displayed his muscles as he smiled widely.

"Hello, young heroes I will be your basic hero training instructor!" At his announcement, the student cheered as they eagerly conversed with their neighbors, he dramatically pulled out a card and flipped it over, " Now for your first lesson you will have BATTLE TRIAL!"

There were mixed reactions in the class, Bakugo looked like the teacher said he could murder someone, while Midoriya looked about ready to faint. Midoriya didn't look afraid for long because Wendy leaned over to him and asked who their teacher was. The boy just about yelled in shock but Wendy put her hand over his mouth, the chatter from the other students drowned it out.

"How do you not know who All Might is the number one hero?!?!" Midoriya whispered yelled, more in disbelief than anything.

"Uhh? We have only been living in Japan for three years?" Wendy tried, not sure how to play this one-off.

Lucy leaned over, saving Wendy: "Our dad is Aizawa sensei. Does he look like the type to fan over other heroes? We literally only know the heroes who work at UA."

That seemed to satisfy Midoriya, though he did look rather thoughtful for the rest of All Might's speech.

"But one of the keys of being a hero is looking good!" All Might said louder than was necessary even with the noisy students, with all the drama he clicked a button and the walls opened up to reveal cases, "These were designed based on the designs you submitted on your registration forms. Now go get changed and meet me out on the battlefield Beta!"

A herd of students crowded around cases as they all looked for theirs. Lucy weaved through the crowd and easily found hers and Wendys, knowing she would be too polite to push her way through, instead she would wait until everyone moved. Feeling bubbly Lucy handed Wendy her case before pulling her and Momo to the locker room. Nemuri had spent a lot of time with the girls helping them design the perfect hero costumes. Lucy had a bit of a harder time since Aizawa was worried about her being too exposed and getting backlash from the media like Nemuri had, so they had to find a way around that. Momo was the first one dressed, she was a little embarrassed about how exposed her quirk needed to be but Lucy reassured her that she looked amazing.

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