We Are Not In Earthland Anymore

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"Crux could you tell me where we are?" Lucy asked the old-looking spirit.

The cross spirit closed his eyes and a bubble appeared under his nose as he searched. Lucy started getting worried when Crux didn't respond after 2 minutes.

"Lucy-Chan, what's wrong?" Wendy asked nervously when she noticed Lucy's expression.

Lucy squinted in confusion as she thought.

"Grampa Crux has never taken this long to get back to me."

Another 2 minutes past and Crux was still floating there with a bubble in his nose.

"Umm...Lucy-Chan are you sure he isn't sleeping?" Wendy asked from her spot on the ground.

Just as Wendy asked that Crux opened his eyes with a yell. Relief flooded Lucy's brown eyes while Wendy and Carla jumped in surprise.

"Did you find anything Crux?" Lucy asked expectantly.

"I am sorry Miss Lucy but it appears you are not the only one who has moved worlds." Crux informed Lucy.

She was about to ask what he meant but was interrupted by a guy who looked like a rhino in a human's body. He was very beefy with rough grey skin and a horn on this bald head. He was holding a giant duffle bag and running away from something or someone. When the rhino man saw Lucy, Wendy, and Carla he charged straight towards them.

Lucy told Crux, he could go before getting ready to summon a different spirit to help but she found she had used up all of her energy and was unable to call anyone else. Wendy saw that Lucy wasn't able to summon any more spirits she tried to do a sky dragon wing attack but it only sent a small breeze at the charging rhino man.

Wendy looked at Lucy worriedly.

"Lucy-Chan I think our magic is weakened here,"  

Lucy was about to reply but the Rhino man grabbed Wendy by the wrist, then he put her in a chokehold. Lucy screamed Wendy's name and tried to get to her but someone grabbed Lucy and pulled her back.

"Let me go! I need to help Wendy!" Lucy screamed at and struggled against whoever was holding her.

Lucy heard the person grunt when she elbowed the person but their grip stayed firm.

"Stop struggling!" A male voice commanded: "I can't help your friend while holding you back." 

Lucy stopped squirming and kicking so that she could turn her head and see who was holding her back. It was a man with yellow slit goggles, a long thin grey scarf, and a rugged black outfit. His black hair was similar to Gajeels but looked like he had just got out of bed.

"Who are you?" Lucy asked.

The man looked at Lucy briefly before looking back at the rhino man and responding: "You can call me Eraserhead." 

Lucy looked at him puzzled as she blurted out: "Who names their kid Erasurehead?" 

Once Lucy realized she said that out loud her eyes went wide and she clamped her hand over her mouth.

"Lucy now is not the time for that," Carla scolded her hand on her hips in a motherly mannor.

"Sorry Carla," Lucy said nervously as she rubbed her neck with her right hand.

Eraserhead just raised an eyebrow at Carla and Lucy before turning back to face the rhino man.

"Let go of the girl villain before your charges get worse," Erasurshead warned. His eyes started glowing a menacing red and his hair started floating.

"Yo...you...your quirk does not affect me," Rhino man said trying to act confident, but he was slightly shaking and sweat was rolling down his face.

While Eraserhead was taking to the villain Carla motioned to Lucy to lean down: "Lucy, if this keeps going on Wendy, will be in trouble." Lucy nodded agreeing with Carla, "I need you to cause a distraction while I grab Wendy. If no one interferes we will be able to save her."

Lucy stood up straight as she nodded to Carla. As Lucy started gathering magic energy Carla brought out her wings as she flew above Rhino man and Wendy. Instead of what usually happens when Lucy gathers magic, she started to glow and 67 new constellations appeared on Lucy's arms and legs. A giant key with a crown appeared on her back as well. As magic flowed into Lucy, she would glow brighter and brighter. Carla taking her chance with the confused villain she swooped in to save Wendy.  

After retrieving Wendy, Carla flew back to Lucy: "Lucy you can stop now." 

When Lucy didn't respond and kept glowing, Carla got worried and tried to touch Lucy. When Carla's small white paw got a foot away a golden dome with stars surrounded Lucy. As she glowed Erasurehead shook off his confusion and detained the villain before coming over to help with Lucy.

"So what is wrong with your sister?" Eraserhead asked tiredly due to it being around 5 in the morning and his shift is almost over.

"I am not sure. This has never happened before," Wendy replied, totally missing where he called them sisters.

Carla, on the other hand, caught it and raised an eyebrow at Wendy questioningly. Upon seeing Carla's questioning face she asked what.

"I didn't know Lucy was your sister," was all Carla said.

Wendy being the sweet little cinnamon roll she is was still confused by Carla's remark. 

Until Eraserhead asked another question: "What is your sister's quirk?" 

"Quirk?" Wendy asked and then it clicked: "WAIT SISTER!!!! No Lucy isn't my sister. We are just guildmates, which is kind of like family but we aren't actually related....."

As Wendy keep nervously rambling Carla stepped in to talk to Eraserhead.

"Lucy is just a sister figure to Wendy but they aren't actually related but that isn't the problem now."

Eraserhead nodded in agreement.

"Lucy has a connection to the stars so that maybe something but I didn't know it was this strong," Carla noted with her paw over her mouth as she thought.

Eraserhead looked over that Lucy who was still glowing brightly before turning to Carla again: "I am going to erase her quirk temporarily so that we can get her someplace safe."

"Are you sure it is wise to stop it?" Carla asked as worry made its way into her voice.

"It is the only  option we have."

"Wendy, Mister. Eraserhead is going erase Lucy...um...magic temporarily," Carla whispered to a still rambling Wendy who was for some reason talking about why she hates pickled plums. 

Wendy looked at Carla confused her hazel eyes asking Carla to explain, but she just shook her head telling Wendy not now. They both turned back to Eraserhead to watch has she erased Lucy's quirk or magic temporarily. As he did so his scarf and hair started to float up as if her was upside down. At first, the barrier around Lucy flickered as if it was fighting Eraserhead, finally the barrier went down and Lucy floated to the ground unconscious.

"Wendy don't gather magic energy till we know more about what this place is," Carla warned as Eraserhead walked over to the 13-year-old Lucy and picked her up bridal style. 

When Eraserhead started walking out of the ally Wendy and Carla silently followed along. Unknown to them someone sinister was watching from the shadows, with a big smile on their face.


Yay second chapter is done!!!! This took a while since I am made a goal not to make a chapter less than 10,000 words. Also, it was so hard to write Eraserhead instead of Aizawa. I hope you guys liked this chapter and I don't own BNHA, sadly, and any of the pics, those belong to their amazing creators. Until next time my amazing warriors!

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