10 minutes later, I am aware of eyes and find Zak with his phone taking a photo of me. "Excuse me, Mr."

He smiles and slips his phone back into his pocket before coming over to sit down with me. "The lighting was good, I think you'll like the photo. Absolutely gorgeous."

"So am I forgiven for dragging you out now?"

He nods "I'm selfish, wanting to keep you to myself. But it's been good for the guys, that VR place was incredible."

"Did you enjoy being a Ghost Buster?"

"Yeah. You know Aaron won't stop talking about being a storm trooper, right?"

I grin "Made his dream a reality. Yours too. Even if you won't admit to it just yet."

He chuckles "It was pretty amazing. The whole experience of being able to walk around was good too. You kind of forget that it's not real, especially when the studio props are put in the exact same position as it would be on the VR set."

"Well I'm glad you all enjoyed it."

"We did and I think I speak for everyone, when I say, thank you for this too."

"It's a little gem, right?" I ask looking up at the waterfall.

"This is good for balancing the energy. All this natural energy, at its purest of forms." Zak says, sitting forward and watching the water around the rock we were on.

I place my hand on his back and rub it, there isn't much I can do when he has a lockdown hangover, but I can do this.. Find a place to help him heal, and that was a gift in itself.


Getting back to the hotel, the guys head in, leaving me to finally expose what I had concealed in the trunk of the rental.

"Holy shit, El." Zak says looking at the bags.

"I know... Don't worry though, you didn't pay for it all."

"What? Why not?"

"Because I bought stuff for you, if you pay for it then you bought it yourself and I didn't want that. So you may or may not have paid for the lingerie.."

He grins instantly, plucking up the receipt from the bag, but as he smiles, I brace for the smile to slide off his face.. I'm confused as hell when it doesn't.

"Is that it?"

I baulk. "Yes! My goodness that was enough."

"I disagree, I told you to spend my money, I expected a whole lot more. Hey look, they say cheeky." He says folding the receipt up and popping it back into the bag.

I shake my head "That was plenty. Trust me."

"Well you said you would model them for me..." He reminds me.

"I did."

"Then allow me to take your bags, ma'am."

When we get into the hotel room, Zak is quick to take the bags into the lounge area, whilst I put the shower on in the bathroom.

"I got you some clothes, too. For lockdown." I tell him round the door as he dives straight into the book store bags and begins going through what I picked up.

"You did?"

"Yeah. It's only a jacket and a couple new shirts."

Walking out, I pick up the lingerie bags and place them in the bathroom, intending to do as he asked, model them all.

After he goes through the books and clothes, he settles back on the couch, which is directly opposite the bathroom door. "Imma sit here and wait for you."

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