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Damian's P.O.V.

Marinette was in the bathroom of their hotel getting ready for the night ahead of her. She began to fuss with her earrings, clearly nervous.

"Habibti?" Damian's wife hummed to let him know she was listening, Damian approached Marinette from behind and wrapped his arms around her in a hug. His hands stayed on her stomach, Damian thought back to that bright Sunday morning, all those years ago...

//Flashback, 7 years ago//

Damian and Marinette were in the middle of the rose gardens, her sitting on a stool as Damian attempted to paint her but she kept moving.

"Is everything alright, my love?"

"Of course, Mon Chevalier!" Marinette replied sitting still as she took a breath, Damian went back to his painting. He still couldn't get the eyes right, her natural sparkle was always changing. How could one capture it with just a few strokes? Damian looked up to reference his girlfriend but she had moved, she was standing- holding something behind her back. She looked nervous.

"What are you hiding?" Jamilati had a spaced out look in her eye before she came back to reality and blushed, she quickly got a handle on herself and began speaking.

"Do you remember when we first met? We had those silly bets about almost anything?" Damian nodded, as he walked past the easel and towards her.

'Where was she going with this?' Damian remembered thinking.

"Well, I still have one left... I love you. I choose you and I'll choose you, over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt. I'll keep choosing you." Marinette brought her hands in front of her and opened a small velvet box, there was a simple silver band inside.

"Will you marry me?" She asked, as if it was a question. Damian chuckled softly, pulling out the box he had been planning to give to her when the portrait was done.

"Only if you'll marry me, Angel." Her eyes shined at the sight of the ring and she tackled him in a hug, tears spilling over and cascading down her cheek. Damian and Marinette's family burst out of their hiding spot, the traitors probably knew all along.

//Flashback ends//

Damian's mind instantly went to their wedding day- one of the best days of his life.

//Flashback, 6 years ago//

Damian stood on the altar Kent and his brothers stood behind him, his father with the rest of his family stood next to his soon to be in-laws in the front row. The music started to play. The doors of the church opened, and in came the brides maids. Marinette's closest friends including Kubdel, Tsurugi, and her maid of honor Bourgeois.

Finally Mr. Dupain and Marinette came into view, Damian stopped breathing- all he could see was her eyes. Her beautiful blues immediately locked with his, filled with happiness, excitement, and Damian finally figured out what the other look in her eye was- it was something that withstood the test of time, something people spend their lives searching for and he found it, love.

His eyes watered a little at the sight of her.

"Breathe." Someone reminded him, Damian did as he was told but couldn't be bothered to see who said it- there she was, the love of his life and she looked radiant. Habibti continued walking forward, struggling to pace her steps with the slow beat of the music, he couldn't blame her it was torturous for him as well.

The last bride's maid moved out of the way and Damian saw his betrothed in her entirety, stunning. She wore an off the shoulder mermaid dress with a long train, the whole dress was covered in a simple but elegant lace, the dress was beautiful but paled in comparison to the person wearing it. She finally walked up the steps and the ceremony began, neither took their eyes off each other for the entirety of the wedding. They recited their vows, and said their 'I do's', a tear of joy slipped down Marinette's cheek as the minister pronounced them husband and wife. The couple smiled before Marinette grabbed Damian by the tie and kissed him.

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