Chapter 13

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Marinette's P.O.V.

Damian opened the door for the bluenette as he asked her about the tour. Marinette started to reply,

"Well, it was interesting! They get so many responsibilities and handle it so well, I'm not sure I'd be able to do it." Marinette confessed and paused waiting for Damian to enter the car before continuing.

"The tour guide was really nice and it seemed like some of my classmates were thinking about going into medicine. Especially Chloe, which really shocked me but the more I thought I about it- I could kind of see it."

"And who was that girl that was speaking to you as you tried to leave?" Marinette lost some of the beautiful sparkle in her eye at the mention of Alya and Damian noticed,

"We don't need to speak of them if you do not wish to." Damian amended.

"It's fine, Mon Étoile, she's one of my classmates. Her name is Alya, she was just upset that I call another girl out when she lies, calls me a bully." Damian's hands tightened around the steering wheel of the car.

"Why would she say that?" He quietly asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Well, she lies about knowing famous people and things she's done and you would think that she doesn't hurt anyone but she's promised to help people out with their careers but she doesn't actually know anyone. She also says that I bully and hurt her but it isn't true, whenever I provide evidence that I wasn't where she said I was she cries or yells and the blame is blindly placed on me." Marinette finished looking more tired and run down than Damian could have imagined she could look.

"The girl from the fair?" Marinette nodded.

"She causes a lot of akumatizations, Lila is the reason behind most of the times I've nearly been akumatized. But it's okay, OH! Have you had any more popcorn?" Marinette changed the subject and Damian let her.

They kept talking about anything, the rest of the car ride was mostly filled with easy conversation. Marinette could have sworn she saw Damian smiling at her while he thought she wasn't looking. The car ride ended with comfortable silence as the two pulled up to a nice looking cafe.

"Wow, this place is beautiful, how did you find it?"

"My stepmother brought me once, I found it adequate." Marinette noticed that Damian never really mentioned his birthmother but knew it could be a touchy subject- he would tell her if he wanted her to know about it. On the bright side, he seemed close to Selina.

The noirettes walked into the quaint homey cafe and were seated next to the door by a jealous looking hostess,

"Excuse me, may we please be seated in a better area?" Damian asked with a 'no-nonsense' look, the hostess seemed miffed and huffed as she seated them by the large front window. Their new table wasn't private but offered more space between them and the other patrons.

The two sat in their seat and began reading over the menu, Marinette would occasionally ask what a certain dish was or for a translation but besides that conversation was nonexistent. Damian and Marinette ordered, the Parisian caved first and asked,

"How is Titus?"

"Titus is fine, he seems to miss you." Damian smirked at he confused look.

"He's a smart one, but if really misses me we could meet up at the park again?" The bluenette asked in a hopeful tone.

"That would be acceptable." Damian smirked at how Marinette seemed to freeze at the word before she blushed furiously.

For once Damian couldn't hold it in and began laughing at the petite girl's reaction to their promise, well he laughed until she gave her retort.

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