Chapter 25

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Marinette's P.O.V.

Mar'i finally fell asleep and Marinette yawned as she left the room, Damian following behind her. The pair walked back into the kitchen to see the family sitting calmly in conversation, they were discussing something about an angel.

"What are you guys talking about?" Marinette said curious.

"Oh, nothing. Just some silly nickname they gave y-" Tim was interrupted by Marinette's phone's ringer going off. The Wayne family assumed it was a phone call but the bluenette groaned as she pulled the small device out of her pocket. She opened her Akuma Alert app and saw it was a new villain, they looked like a kiddie toy of Godzilla. Probably a kid, if she was lucky they could be easy to confuse or manipulate into giving up but even then it could be a tough fight.

"What is it, Marinette?" Selina asked noticing Marinette's focused expression, her shoulders tensed- something was wrong.

"There's an attack in downtown Paris. I need to go handle it, but I doubt I'd be able to on my own and Ryujin lives away from the city and was given the night off to rest." Marinette said as Tiki and Plagg came into the room.

"Bug, why don't you take one of them? It would be a great time to test 'em out."

"Maybe, Damian, Selina how would either of you feel about taking a quick trip to Paris?" Marinette asked them with a smile, the family seemed to understand what she was asking and before they could volunteer Damian, Plagg spoke up.

"Can we take Selina?" The small god looked scared to make the suggestion, just like when he first recommended Damian. Marinette didn't like how afraid he was to comment on who he would rather be paired with.

"Whatever you think, Plagg."

"They're both perfect but I've spent more time with her and- What? You agree?"

"Plagg, you're the one with more experience, I'm going to listen to what you have to say." Marinette said soothingly as he relaxed.

"You need to forget about your last holder, he wasn't worthy of the responsibility he was gifted. You don't have to explain yourself." Plagg smiled at her before confirming,

"Selina should try first, plus she's an adult which means she won't have to worry about running out of time."

"Alright, is that okay with you guys? If we take Selina?" Marinette asked the same expression that Plagg held a moment before fogging over her eyes, afraid of backlash.

"OH! Yes, Kitten! Plus this will give the big, bad bat a taste of his own medicine!" Selina laughed as she walked toward Marinette. Bruce frowned and so did Damian, both spoke at the same time.

"Keep each other safe."

"Don't do anything stupid." The girls rolled their eyes and laughed, Marinette had an idea.

"KOR'I! Why don't you come?" Dick's amused face fell as Kor'i agreed. The poor boys looked like they didn't want to be left behind and try to go with them but they were clearly afraid of angering the dangerous women.

"Great! Let's get going then!" Selina recommended and the girls went, the boy's following. They felt left out as the girls animatedly chatted about the upcoming battle. The group arrived in the cave and Marinette took her necklace off holding the ring out in her palm and speaking.

"Selina Kyle, here is the miraculous of the black cat which grants the power of destruction. You will use it for the greater good. Once the job is done you will return the miraculous to me." Selina nodded with determination and put the jewelry on her right hand's ring finger.

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