Chapter 11

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Dick's P.O.V.

Dick knew he was going to die if the look in his brother's eyes was any indication, but he couldn't be bothered to care he was going to be able to talk to Marinette again!

"Hey, Little Lady, what's up?"

"Nothing really, I just finished a tour and now we're stretching our legs after taking pictures in front of the Lady Justice statue. What about you?"

"Not much, would you mind if I asked why you wanted to talk to Selina?"

"Oh, well I found out that Damian had never had popcorn before and-"

"I'm SOrRy WhAT?" Dick moved the phone from his mouth and asked his youngest brother,

"Is it true, Baby Bird?" Damian gave an annoyed nod, they both knew Damian could hear every word they were saying.

"RIGHT!?!? So, he told me how none of you are allowed in the kitchen except for a select few so when he said that Selina was there and I had to do something!"

"I completely understand! Don't worry I'll make sure he has some, thanks Marinette. By the way, you should know that Damian is in lo- HEY! Give it back!!!"

"tt, no. You've lost the privilege of speaking to her."

Damian's P.O.V.

Grayson began to whine as Damian walked away but Marinette was still on the line,

"My apologies for Grayson's behavior, Angel."

Dick then yelled, "YOU GAVE HER A NICKNAME ALREADY! HA! Jason owes me fifty bucks!"

This seemed to get the entire manor's attention, to Damian's annoyance. Drake poked his head out of one of the many doors and walked with the two as Grayson dragged Damian to the kitchen where a popping sound could clearly be heard. As the trio was about to round the corner Alfred and Bruce approached them confused as to why a murderous looking Damian was being dragged by Dick. When the group entered the kitchen they saw Selina making popcorn with Todd watching from a safe distance away.

"Master Richard, why are you dragging Master Damian into the kitchen?"

"Because, Little D's never had popcorn before and his girlfriend asked Selina to make him some so he could try it!"

The whole room froze. Damian was so done,

"I swear, Grayson, I'm going to kill you." What everyone seemed to forget was that Damian was still on the phone with Marinette... and that call had accidentally become a video chat...

Drake was the first to notice, he snapped back to reality asking "Is that her on the video call?"

"What video call, you mongrel?" Damian and the rest of the family then took notice of the embarrassed teen trying to look anywhere but the camera, and then the room exploded.

"Lemme talk to her again!!!!!!!!"

"No way, MY TURN!"

"Holy FUCK! He didn't scare her away yet?"

"Language, Master Jason."

Damian quickly dogged all his brothers but one of them knocked the phone out of his hands and it went flying, Damian watched in horror as the phone flew right for his father.

Selina caught it, just before Bruce was able to. She gave her husband a smug look before speaking to the noirette,

"Sorry about them, Marinette, a house full of boys can get chaotic. The popcorn's ready if you want to watch him try it."

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