Chapter 45

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Damian's P.O.V.

Damian and Marinette made their way to the kitchen half past seven and ended up bumping into Le Chien. It was almost time for them to head to the airport and Damian was already in a bad mood at the thought of his tiny pillow suddenly being on the other side of the world. It was almost annoying how quickly he'd gotten attached.

"Hey Nettie! Damian! Soooo... I heard that you two share a room~" Marinette flushed beautifully as Le Chien continued.

"Do you guys have any idea where anything is, I swear this place is like a maze." Marinette giggled as Damian led the way, the two Parisians speaking animatedly about their graduation.

"Did you ever get the email from Gotham U?" Kim asked, Damian began to pay attention to the conversation.

"No, they were supposed to send them out last week but the admissions office sent a notification saying they needed more time. I should be getting it any day now."

"When was the last time you checked your email?"

"Um, yesterday morning? Maybe the day before? I'm not sure." Marinette said confused as to how that was relevant. The trio turned a corner and entered the kitchen, most of the family except Drake and Bruce were there, and she seemed to have caught on.

"Oh My Goodness, I left my phone in the room!" Marinette grabbed her hair as she continued, "Give me yours I need to check!" Kim excitedly passed her his phone and she began typing, exclaiming when she misspelled her log-in. The Waynes seemed confuzed as to why Marinette would be acting the way she was and Grayson decided to ask.

"Hey, what's going o-"

"Shh!" Damian quieted his older brother as her email refreshed, there was one from Gotham University. Marinette excitedly clicked on the email and began reading.

"Dear Miss. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Congratulations! You have been admitted to Gotham UNIVERSITY FOR THE FALL SEMESTER 2-" Kim and Marinette exclaimed in excitement, she got in. The rest of Damian's family seemed to have caught on and began to congratulate Marinette on her acceptance.

"Oh My Goodness! I can't believe I got accepted! I never thought they were going to let me in!" The bluenette seemed to be on the verge of tears in excitement.

"Are you joking, Nettie? We told you! You're the best of the best of course you were going to get in. Gotham's fashion program is one of the best in the world, no where else would make sense!" Kim complimented.

"Auntie Nettie! You're gonna go to school in Gotham now?" Marinette nodded before Mar'i continued, "So you are going to move in!" The small girl sounded victorious at that realization. Marinette was going to try and correct her, say she was probably going to rent an apartment closer to the university but more congratulations were given before she had the chance.

The family ate excitedly, the adults reminiscing about their collage days and Damian adding input where he deemed it necessary.

Damian waved goodbye as Marinette walked out of view, past the security checkpoint and towards her gate. His two oldest brothers, Kyle, Pennyworth, Kor'i, Mar'i, and Kent stood near him waving goodbye to the retreating Parisians.

Damian just got into the car when he received a notification.

Boarding now! I'll text you when we land!!! I'm gonna miss you, don't kill anyone while I'm gone.

Mon ètoile
Thank you, and no promises. Todd is going to be insufferable about not receiving a gift before Grayson.

Pinky Swear!

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