Chapter 40

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Damian/ Robin's P.O.V.

Damian got suited up and grabbed the bag Alfred prepared for him and Marinette before making his way towards her hotel under the cover of darkness. The young caped crusader made his way to the top of the exponentially taller buildings with his grappling hook, slowing as he neared his girlfriend's hotel. He felt the familiar knots in his stomach and assumed it was nerves, that's what Jon had said, Robbin stopped just before landing on Jamilati's balcony and mumbled to himself:

"She stayed."

He took a steadying breath, he'd just have to do it. He had to make sure she was okay. Robin stealthily swung onto the balcony and went to knock on the glass door the bluenette jumped sliding whatever was on her desk onto the floor next to it and out of view before turning to open the door for him.

"Hey, Mon Étoile! W-whats up?" Marinette tried to sound normal.

"What are you hiding?"

"Hiding?" Her voice went up an octave, "What in the world would I have to hide from you?"

"I'm not sure... that's why I'm asking." Robin said looking down at his flustered girlfriend, she was trying to be stealthy. He gave her a warning look but she held out, he swiftly grabbed her by the waist and plopped her onto the bed tickling her relentlessly. He had practiced with Mar'i until she was red in the face and was now familiar with all the 'tickle spots', as Grayson called them.

Marinette had to have been just as ticklish if not more so than Mar'i because she was begging for him to stop between long fits of giggles.

"Plea-" She laughed again, "Please I-I" She giggled again, "I'll tell-" Damian stopped at that, she took a calming breath and asked,

"When are all of your birthdays?"

"Selina was born the second and my father the nineteenth of February; Grayson was born the twentieth of March; Drake the nineteenth of July; Todd the sixteenth of August; Gordon the twenty-third of September; Kor'i born on the eighteenth of October, sort of; the only person in December is my m-" Damian cleared his throat, "I believe Mar'i's is coming up soon." He nearly said too much, she was too easy to talk to. She looked at him questioningly until she realized something,

"When is Mar'i's? When is yours?"

"August ninth."

"Who's birthday?"

"We share one."

"Wow, what a coincidence!"

"One could say so." Damian said simply, he always hated his birthday- Mar'i was the only reason he celebrated it at all.

"Oh, I just missed Dick's birthday! Luckily I'm almost done with his." Marinette mumbled to herself before taking something out of a drawer and started working on it.

"Done with what, Jamilati?"

"W-well, Kim and I have had a less busy schedule without the class so I started to work on things for your family... that's what I was hiding." Marinette explained shyly while showing Damian all her work, she had the looked like oddly shaped papers with measurements and some half assembled pieces spread into groups within her drawers. The last drawer opened slightly before she slammed it shut, Damian looked at her slightly confused.

"Y-you can't see that one because... it's- uh... for Jagged, yeah." She wasn't convincing at all.

"It wouldn't be another MDC original for little old me would it? Because that might just mean you were giving me a gift- and if you did that I might feel inclined to purchase you a gift... It would have to be something worthwhile of course- perhaps a nice piece of jewelry or- I don't know..." Marinette's eyes went wide in panic,

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