Chapter 31

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Marinette's P.O.V.

Marinette and Kim returned from the fashion district and decided to hang out in Kim's room before going to bed. While they watched a movie, Marinette received a message from Damian,

* * *

Mon Étoile
Good evening, Marinette. I hope you are well, Mar'i would like to speak with you if you aren't currently occupied.

Only Mar'i~?

Mon Étoile
No, but she has a sleepover to plan.

Oh! Of course, I'll call you in a second.

* * *

Marinette threw a pillow at Kim,

"HEY! What was that for?"

"Kill the volume. I have to call Damian."

"Oh~ You're gonna call your boyfriend? Alright, then I guess I can text mine." Kim said smirking as Marinette pinked, she still wasn't used to the idea of having a boyfriend. It was odd to label their relationship like that but at the same time made her happy, proud. Damian chose her, just as she chose him.

Marinette clicked on Damian's contact and called. The phone rang twice before Mar'i answered the phone.


"Hey, Mar'i! Are you excited for this weekend?" Marinette asked.

"SUPER! GG Alfie already got the snacks and baking things and since uncle Dami said you might not bring a bag I made sure we had clothes for you! We have all the blankets back, which means we can build a great fort! You're coming tonight, right?"

"Tonight?" Marinette asked slightly panicked, she hadn't forgotten, had she?

"Well, I know that you were planning on coming tomorrow but uncle Dami said stuff about training and a picture so I thought you could come for two nights! Grandpa said 'yes' to the sleepover." Mar'i said not a doubt in her mind that Marinette would be able to come. It wasn't the same as her former friends' guilt triping her to do things for them but an expectation, no, hope to spend time with Marinette. It felt good, Marinette liked being wanted.

"I'll just have to check with my friend I wouldn't want him to get lonely but he has a friend he should be able to spend time with."

"Hey, Kim?" The broad-shouldered teen looked up from his phone with a dopey smile on his face.

"Yeah, Nettie?"

"I-I uh made plans to spend tomorrow at Damian's place and I might have to leave really early and stay tomorrow night- DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT! I-is that okay? I don't want to leave you alone for two days, but I was thinking that you could spend time with Jon without worrying about me? I don't want to assume but I just thought-"

"Yeah sure thing, Nettie. I wanted to make plans with Jon for tomorrow anyways, though you better use pro-"

"DON'T FINISH THAT SENTENCE OR SO HELP ME, I WILL KILL YOU." Marinette said glaring but pinking enough to make Kim fall on the floor laughing.

Marinette glared at him again but he just laughed harder.

"Oh Marinette, when will you get it through your thick skull that you aren't scary!"

"Fine, no desserts for you!" Kim's face fell, clearly not amused but she would always have him when it came to dessert.

"W-wha- Fine, your terrifying. ah." Kim conceded sarcastically, he hated that Marinette would always get her way with desserts. Marinette put the phone to her mouth before speaking.

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