Chapter 37

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Damian's P.O.V.

"That was awful." Was all she could say her voice breaking slightly, there it was. Sure she could handle herself, but that didn't mean she didn't hear all the horrible things they said before they could get out of the mob. She did say it would take a lot to scare her away, but that was a lot wasn't it? Damian knew it would crush him, but he knew she would be better off without him, Damian accepted his fate and waited for her to say it. Damian's family was in the other room, the police were chasing the paparazzi down while everyone waited inside. Damian's family was listening and he knew it.

"Are you okay, Mon Étoile?" Marinette immediately hugged him, she was concerned about him?

"What?" Damian asked, dumbfounded.

"Are you okay?" She reiterated the question worriedly pulling back and putting a hand on his cheek.

Damian could feel his family release the breath they'd been holding. How could she be that amazing? She was so beautiful. How could such an amazing, beautiful, perfect person exist?

"Yes, are-are you? The press, they're vile." And Damian meant it.

"Well, the biggest issue is if Mar'i is okay but like I said before: It's going to take a lot more than that to get rid of me." Marinette said with a soft smile, she was still worried about him he could tell. If that didn't scare her away what would? He would have to ask one day.

The police soon came in, they had luckily caught some of the people that trespassed but none of them had their camera's they probably threw them over the wall for the sake of the story (and a cut of the profit). He could imagine the headlines: "Sorry Ladies of Gotham: Youngest Wayne Finds Girlfriend" "Mystery Child of Richard Grayson Reveals It All, page 6".

"Sorry, Bruce, wish we could do more. All we need are the statements." Commissioner Gordon said after introducing himself kindly. They gave their statements but Mar'i didn't have to because she was so shaken up, they said they would send someone over to interview her the next day.

"Thank you, Jim." Bruce said after everything was said and done. The police cleared out but news stations practically blocked the exit of the driveway, they'd have to get Marinette out when there were fewer people but just enough that they'd know she left. Marinette readily agreed when they told her, she didn't want to cause any more problems and seemed more than willing to leave on foot if it would bring the attention to her instead of Mar'i.

After an hour or so, Dick came down looking crushed.

"Are you okay, Dick? How is Mar'i?" Marinette asked getting up concerned, he didn't even respond he just hugged her.

"Thank you, both of you. You kept our little girl safe, she's okay now. Sleeping with Kor'i in our room." He let go of Marinette and exhaled tiredly before continueing.

"We explained that the paparazzi just want to know more about her but can be mean, Bruce? Is it alright if we stay here for a few more days? I think she needs her family." Bruce immediately agreed.

"How did they even get in? We have walls on all sides and a freaking forest as extra cover." Tim said just as upset as anyone, he helped improve the security not even six months ago.

"It looked like they made their way over some old wall, it was far into the forest. It took forever to walk out of." Marinette said telling them what she could.

"Approximately 900 meters from the fountain, Southwest." Damian provided more specific information.

"Okay, we'll start working on it. Until then, lets limit time in the back. The front yard should be fine if someone wants to go outside."

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